**Post your own achievement story**

Everyone who feels like sharing a story about sexual experiences can do so in this daily post. Be it a new or an old story, be it extraordinary or rather common; anything – from happiness over losing your virginity or having your first orgasm, to sharing about the amazing, kink-filled weekend of debauchery you experienced – is appropriate to this thread.

**Post an update to a post you have made in the past**

If you have posted for advice about a situation in the past and wish to share an update – this is the place for it.

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*Let’s hear about it!*

  1. I just lost my virginity, but I feel empty I couldn’t even orgasm after 2 hours,I’m a male 15 why is even saying it amazing

  2. I think I found her… A woman that matches my level of kinky.

    Also allegedly made her cum about 10-11 times. I counted like 5 😂

  3. My wife just went to town on my ass with her tongue. She started with me on my side, then rolled me over spread my cheeks and really tongue fucked me. Spent a bit of time on my back so I could pull my cock. Finished by sitting on her face while on pulled myself and sprayed my cum over her gorgeous tits. 😍. One of the hottest things was when she said at the end how much pleasure she gets doing that to me.

  4. my boyfriend (M20) and I (F19) have had sex 4 times this week! this is a lot for us because we don’t live together, are full time university students, and have part time jobs. So I was pretty happy about it 😁

  5. I had my first ever *real* hookup yesterday. It was with a girl I met here on Reddit, on a certain hookups subreddit. We met for one drink at a bar, had a short chat, and then went straight into action. We had great chemistry and the sex was amazing. I hadn’t had sex in months and this really did wonders for my self esteem.

  6. (28f) Yesterday was only my second blowjob but this time my boyfriend (28m)actually visibly got hard for the first time for me. We haven’t gone all the way but seeing how he was when we were in the bed I think next time… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)

    This is an achievement cause I never could tell before if I actually turned him on, and I’m learning more and more about my sexuality with him every time.

    Ps. I should not neither of us even had a proper relationship before each other. So obviously we both never had sexual experiences before so we both are learning more about the others body

  7. Hi my name is zion mapusaga and i have a lot of boyfriends and their name is ,lawrence,zephyr,anthony,afele,john,uate,kenth,kobe,leo,and paniani and i love all of them we fuck all day so can we join you

  8. Sent my bf some cheeky pics when he was out. He came home, licked my pussy so good and fucked me. I’ll need to return the favour.

  9. Had the most mind blowing sex with someone I’ve been seeing for a while. I don’t know what it was, or if it was a combination of a handful of things but my orgasms. I swear to god my soul left my body. He ate me to orgasm which was already amazing but then during sex I felt myself cumming again and I felt it through my entire body. Everything was shuddering and I couldn’t hold back my loud moan, I had never orgasmed so hard. I came just like that another 2-3 times that night. Wow.

  10. I recently broke down in my partner’s arms during sex about past sexual trauma. Proceeded to have the most amazing sex ever after. Something opened up about me that night. Sobbing in his arms and having him hold me while I wracked and cried was soothing and felt beyond safe. I don’t know what our ‘thing’ is labelled because it is more than sex or FwB and I honestly don’t want to.

    For the first time in 20+ years I feel free. Or free-er from the clutches of my abuse. From not demanding what I want and from not being me.

    We continue to hook up when we can. Spend time with each other reading, writing and discussing. Sex no longer comes with a need to sub. It feels equal.

    P.S. I have made my feelings known to him… because if I feel this way the world should know. And the sex continues to get elevated and more experimental and liberating.

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