I (22F) have been seeing a guy (24M) off Hinge for over a month. We seem really similar, but with enough differences to be our own individual, independent selves. We see each other pretty often during the week, he really makes an effort to plan dates and make time to see each other. He’s shown me some of his vulnerabilities and I have done the same.

It’s just getting to the point where I’m not sure if this will officially go anywhere. I haven’t been so close to someone I’m dating in like 5 years. He seems to really like me, and I want to have the talk about becoming official. Every time I want to bring it up, I chicken out because we’re so comfortable and I get scared. Some of my close friends have also told me that I should just step up and ask him to be my bf, but I have never done that before. I don’t want to be rejected by probably the most genuine person I have met on Hinge.

I also have anxiety because in January he’s moving 40 minutes away to be closer to his job. I don’t mind long distance, but he seems really excited about it and I don’t know if I would still fit into his life when he moves. Despite this, he does talk a lot about the future with me and what his dreams are and vice versa. So, this makes me think he wants to keep this going, especially since we are exclusive and pretty much act like a couple.

I kind of don’t want to face the reality because if he says this has no future, then I don’t know why I’m still making time for him. It may not be a break up but it will be hard for me to move on. He just seems like the whole package I didn’t know I was looking for, and I don’t want to lose him before we even have a chance to be something more.

What do I do? How do I bring it up? How do women make the move?

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