There’s this girl I have liked for the past 2 years and I want to ask her to finally hang out

So I’ll add some context. I (18) really like this girl (19). She is my best friends sister and I have talked to her and I used to go to school with her. However, I wasn’t exactly the closest to her. The only time I would talk to her is when I would be around my best friend but I have always thought she was the prettiest girl I will ever meet in my life and had a thing for her. I’ve recently talked to my friends about her again and they told me to go ahead and ask her out. This is what I want to say: “Heyy, I know this message is super random but I’ve always thought you were super pretty and I’ve always wanted to get to know you. I’m not sure if Jackson has ever mentioned, but I have always liked you. Would you ever want to hang out with me when I’m in town? I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable. I just thought I would regret if I never asked you :)”

What do you think? What can I add/takeout

Tldr: I’ve liked a girl for 2 years now and she’s my best friend sister and I wanna ask her out.

  1. Time out time out what does Jackson(I’m assuming the best friend) think of all this?

    If he’s not cool with it this can cause awkward tension for all of you

    Edit- Why y’all booing me this is a fair concern

  2. I wouldnt just dump that full load onto her.

    No need to give your life story.

    Just ask her out. Hey would you like to go out for dinner and drinks on saturday?

  3. IMO, Keep it short. Just say “I actually have never been so attracted to anyone in my life.” And ask her if you could take her out.

  4. “How would you feel about us spending time together just the two of us?”

    If she’s not interested she will deflect, if she is, she’ll respond with interest.

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