I (f/37) just found out that my husband (38/m) of 4 years has been taking money from my family…in a very roundabout way. Each month, my family has game night/poker night. Everyone comes together, throws in their $20-$25 dollar buy in, and the game begins! This past week we had been invited to a game night at a friends house. We got down to the last three players: myself, my husband, and another friend. During my husband’s deal of the cards, I notice that he didn’t deal me a card from the top of the deck. I called him out and even asked why he would be cheating. He says nothing and gives me the top card from the deck and we keep going. We finish the game and at the end of the night, he comes out as the winner. I wait until we get back in the car and asked how many times he cheats when he deals so I can warn my family. I’m being mean when I ask but only because I was very disgusted by seeing him trying to cheat. He said he has never done this before and just wanted to get the other friend “out”. I tell him it was so shady for him to do that and I would never invite him back to this friends house to play again because of it. We go home and don’t speak for the rest of the night. The next day, I call the friend hosting to apologize because I was extremely embarrassed and she informed me that another friend that was playing cards with us saw my husband cheating the entire night and he had just told her. -to say I was shocked and embarrassed is an understatement. So, I do what I always do in times like this and call my sister for advice and to basically “talk me Down” from the rage I was feeling. I explain the whole story from the night before, give her the new information that I received that morning, and I even asked her if I was crazy for feeling as angry and embarrassed as I did. That’s when she dropped a bomb on me. She told me no, I wasn’t crazy and that my brother in law had caught him cheating the last time we had played poker at his house. He didn’t say anything at the time because he couldn’t believe it and didn’t want to cause problems in the family. BIL jumped on the phone and told me that he watched him during the game and noticed that he was holding the deck under the table, looking at cards and moving then “in place” to where he’d get the card he’d need for his hand when he would deal. My BIL finally said that’s when he took over dealing and my dad ended up winning our poker game. ****it’s important to note that we play cards every month, and every month, my husband would win the whole tournament (we play Texas hold ‘em). Every. Single. Month. So imagine 10-15 players at $25 dollars a buy-in every month. Looking back, I remember my family even pointing out that each time he deals, he wins and they were baffled. But everyone always looked at my husband as a boy scout and wouldn’t imagine something like that. So, we chalked it up to him just being a great poker player.
Moving along, my BIL ends up calling my dad shortly after that day to see if my dad noticed my husband cheating during that poker game. My dad said he didn’t notice it and said it was a big accusation. He suggested that no one would bring it up to myself or my husband and during our next poker party, they would keep an eye on him and if they saw it, they’d call him out. Between my dad, my sister, and my BIL, they couldn’t believe he would do something like that but my BIL insisted that he knows what he saw.

I’m totally blindsided by all this information and can’t believe the person I married has been cheating to essentially steal money from my family. -Family that has welcomed him and family that I thought he loved. Not to mention, he stole money from me as well since I was also playing (We don’t share bank accounts so his money is his, he’s never given me any of his “winnings”).

I go home to confront him and start the conversation by stating that I can’t handle any more lies and from this point forward, he needs to be forthcoming. I state last night wasn’t the first time he’s cheated while playing cards. He said he has never done something like this before. I ask again, then He said he used to cheat as kid playing board games but that’s it. I said no, have you cheated since being with me and playing cards with my family. He says never.
Then I drop the info I had just received moments before: I tell him that multiple people from both my family and my friend group saw him. Both Last night and the time the card game was hosted at my sisters where my BIL caught him. He just looks down and shakes his head. All I say is “I need you to know that now I know.” After a few moments, all he says is “I have a problem” and then states “I don’t mean to backpedal but I never wanted to get into this when this whole thing started” (as If my family forced him to play every month). I just asked if it was about the money and he said yes. He said “it’s stupid because it’s not a lot of money but i just felt that i always had to win back whatever i was betting.”

I couldn’t hear anymore. I feel that I’m dealing with something far worse than cheating to essentially steal money but I’m dealing with manipulation and deceit. I even found out that he spoke about it with his sister after I asked him to leave the house for the night and he doesn’t see his actions as “stealing”.

I’m dumbfounded and need to process this and ask is this as bad as I perceive it to be??

  1. It’s pretty bad in my book because it speaks to his character. If you’re cheating family and friends at a friendly poker game, and you don’t see it as stealing, you really don’t know the difference between right and wrong. That’s dangerous and borderline psychopathic behavior.

  2. That’s a huge character flaw in my book. And his excuses are lies. Yes, it’s theft.

    If I was that that table, he’d be not only kicked out of all future games forever, but also kicked out of my life. I have nothing to do with people like that. If you were only dating him, you’d break up and never see him again.

  3. Relationship can be frustrating, and you might almost get tired and lose it but that is not a good ending. I have also lost my home to a total stranger all because i was trying to be good and accommodating to less privilege but i ended up giving the wrong friend chance to plan on ruining my home…. I got tired and i have to speak to a good friend who connect me to solutiontemple130 and you can send message through gmail… this help me fix back my home and i was able to get rid of bad friend that almost ruin my home…… You might need any kind of assistant this is one of the best ways to fix whatever issues you have in your relationship.

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