My (18f) boyfriend’s (20m) siblings lives are being ruined and I have no idea how to stop it

My boyfriend has 2 younger siblings, Sylvie (11) and Ryan (9). His mom is very non traditional and doesn’t believe in modern medicine and vaccines. She’s also a conspiracy theory person, and because of this/ the schools not feeling safe with her anti vax kids, the kids are “homeschooled.” They skipped 2 years of school altogether, and after loads of convincing his mom, now they do online school for 3 hours a week, where their mom gives them all the answers the whole time.

Sylvie can barely write more than a sentence, and has the same knowledge as a first grader right now, and Ryan is even worse. In our state, any and all forms of homeschooling are fine, so cps wouldn’t care.

Sylvie and Ryan are also inside all day every day, and get half an hour of outdoors time every week, which isn’t enough because they have lots of energy. They also live in a small one bedroom apartment.

Because of their pent up energy and poor socialization skills (they have no friends/non family interaction) their mom is convinced Ryan and Sylvie have autism and Down syndrome among other things, and need to be treated the way they are since they have special needs.

Sylvie is also about to get her period at any day and still knows nothing about it.

I’m genuinely worried for the kids, but have no idea what to do or who to talk to since none of this is illegal.

What should I do?

Tl;dr my boyfriend’s siblings are living in horrible conditions and I don’t know how to help. What can I do?

  1. You really can’t do anything, it’s the parents decision on how to raise their children. Even if you don’t agree with it. Your only option is to maybe offer to take the kids out for some social interaction or sunshine.

  2. >Ryan and Sylvie have autism and Down syndrome among other things

    Well, if their mother is convinced they both have Down Syndrome, you should report that to CPS or whoever because (unless they actually *look* like they have it, and it’s pretty obvious to tell… so virtually every child that does have the condition, it’s known about from birth) she is utterly delusional.

    I don’t think there are any children who have DS but have *not* been diagnosed with it. Unless their parents are as nuts as these two.

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