I’ve been talking to this girl for a while via text. Our convos were interesting, and she seemed very enthusiastic when texting me. When I asked if she wanted to study at a library with me, she said of course! But she said she wanted to call me before meeting up because she said she’s scared when meeting new people. I arranged a time for us to video call, and we video called for around 10 minutes. Then I noticed that her Instagram was lagging a bit, and she disconnected. She then said that she was lagging and she will call me another time. I said okay and after a few minutes found out that she blocked me. Did I do something wrong?? I don’t understand why she would block me.

  1. Soo… how did you initial come into contact with her if you didn’t meet her in person? Also sounds like she might have not found you attractive / interesting enough to persue an in-person friendship with.

  2. We can’t tell you if you did something wrong without knowing what you said. Unless you were being a real creep or misogynist though, I’d guess you did nothing wrong.

    She probably just realized she was not in fact all that interested (for whatever reason), and instead of the courtesy of doing the more difficult thing and telling you, she blocked you.

    It sucks, but just try and brush off the whole thing and keep moving forward.

  3. Sounds like you two just weren’t a good match. Wouldn’t sweat it too much, there are literally 3-4 billion other females on the planet. You’ll be aight buddy

  4. Sounds like the call was a way to decide whether she found you attractive. Looks like either you’re not her type physically or she didn’t like your mannerisms. Unless you’re often finding yourself blocked or ghosted after the first meeting (in which case yes you might want to look into what’s putting people off) then I’d just chalk it up to being not her type and forget and move on.

  5. 2 options, and the 1st is the most probable.

    1. She doesn’t like you bro, doesn’t think your looks are up to par and maybe even you were boring during your call.

    2. She has social anxiety as you said and despite you living up to expectations, she couldn’t bring her self to meet you, so she blocked you.

    Option 1 is probably it, most girls make time for guys they like even the shy ones. Don’t beat yourself up, be confident and move on

  6. May I ask, how old is she? Because that’s so childish of her to just block someone because of looks if it’s the case/being uninteresting on a first videocall lol
    She wants new chats but then proceeds to block people without giving an explanation. Wow, very mature…

  7. You’ve done nothing, pal. Cowardly act on her behalf. Brush it off and be glad you don’t treat people in such a disposable manner.

  8. I think maybe she didn’t like you but who cares lol. Better to move on quick like how she did..this happens and it’s normal

  9. Sounds to me like you weren’t her type. But as I always say, it is what it is. If it didn’t work out, it didn’t happen. Don’t think about it too much, there’ll always be other girls.

  10. It’s not that you’re unlikeable it’s that SHE isn’t in to you. Don’t give up on people – there’s someone out there for everyone. Keep focusing on yourself and your goals… the person you need will present themselves someday… don’t be desperate…

  11. could be that you aren’t her type appearance wise, but doesn’t mean you’re ugly by any means. i personally don’t like muscular, all American type men which are usually seen as the beauty standard. it’s often just a preference thing

  12. What’s meant to happen will happen…you have people who come into your life and remain best pals for life..some people take the expressway too..she doesn’t like you.The motive behind her action? Well you’ll never know…it happens in the fraction of a second..even that girl might not have spent a second thinking about it.
    Let her be…look elsewhere.

  13. Was she the shy type? I remember when i was younger i’d try to meet new people through apps and sometimes my anxiety would get the best of me and i’d block/ghost them because i was too nervous to actually meet irl. Dick move i know but at the time i was really trying to push through my own mental stuff. So could totally be something thats not even your fault. As long as you weren’t a dick, i’d try not to take it personally.

  14. Ok; you’re ugly (for her standards I mean) and she just want to move on, that’s all. You were something to distract her for a few moments not a real thing, she do that because she do not want to tell you directly so she just bloke you instead.

  15. My guess is that it’s a her problem. If she’s scared of meeting new people, she could have some sort of anxiety issue, and that really has nothing to do with you. Blocking you out of embarrassment seems totally likely.

    I think it’s good that you’re giving some thought to how you came across, but it seems to me that it wasn’t you that was the issue.

  16. Have some posts on your instagram feed, so they can see what you look like early on and you can avoid this situation.

    I assume she blocked over appearances, but could be anything.

  17. Everyone has a million options these days. You don’t have to marry the only girl in town with a full set of teeth anymore. Even if you 99% click with someone, that’s enough for most people to ghost in their never ending quest to find that person they 100% click with.

  18. Been there. Most likely she wanted to video call to get a “vibe check”.

    Whatever reason she wasn’t feeling it. Maybe she didn’t mesh with your personality, maybe she didn’t like how you look, maybe you weren’t the type of person she was imagining over text..I wouldn’t worry about it too much, it would have happened when you met in person anyway so this just saved you from having to hang out with someone who wasn’t feeling it anyway. Trust me you don’t want to be in that situation, it’s just a bad time for everyone.

  19. It doesn’t matter. There are a million reasons why she could’ve done it and we can sit here all day and discuss them, but at the end of the day we’re not mind readers. Unfortunately some people will be rude and do things with no context or closure, and it’s up to us to accept what happened, not take it personal, and continue with our journey of life. Unfortunately for whatever reason this person did not want to bring you in her life, even just to study, and that’s fine. You have the same right to cut people out of your life, that’s the way life is. Live it on your own terms and move in to the next one. The best thing you can do is not force things. Live your life and things will come to you

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