More beautiful that your girlfriend/wife. And if a more attractive woman made a literal move on you would you take it up?

  1. i am blind so no. eyes don’t function. and ears are disabled when i am in a relationship/married

  2. I notice beautiful women. I can’t help but notice them. I’m a man. But it’s the personal connection and the relationship with my wife that keeps me from ever straying. That’s called: being committed. Besides, my wife may be a little older now, but she’s still a hottie. 22 years together and I still can’t believe I get to have sex wit her.

  3. Do I notice other women when I’m by myself and in a relationship, yes. Do I notice them when I’m with my SO, not usually because I’m giving her nearly all of my attention. Bad for situational awareness though.

    Would I leave my partner for someone else, no. I’ve never cheated on my partners nor can I recall breaking up with them in order to go out with someone else.

    Looks is what draws me in, personality is what keeps me there. She can be very attractive and I would still drop her if she’s not the one.

  4. Ha ha, fuck no. Ride or die, until the end. I can say that as someone who *has* had women make a move on me and I declined (I don’t know why, but it seems the greatest aphrodisiac for some women is a man wearing a wedding band).

  5. No I don’t feel like that’s a good quality and I feel like most other men would agree but some really are like this so be careful

  6. I don’t look for other women while in a relationship, that’s called unfaithful, that’s not to say I haven’t saw a pretty girl and looked, I would never pursue another person while in a relationship though. Loyalty is extremely important to me and so I lead by example and wouldn’t do anything I wouldn’t want my partner to do

  7. Of course I notice when someone is physically beautiful, but not looking at them in a lustful way. My eyes are for my wife.

  8. Yes, beautiful women exist. No, I dont think “what if” based on beauty alone.

    Being real, yes we look at women, its hard not too, just like women acknowledge it. Doesnt mean we act on it or think about acting on it, in cases where a guy allows it, theirs a deeper issue in that relationship whether it be the guy or the womans fault. Most men who are in a relationship with good morals dont allow that stuff and shut it down.

  9. Nah. If I’m dating somebody, I’m prolly too smitten with them to really notice other people like that.

  10. I did once, very odd situation.
    (I’m 27 now) I was just gone 18, I knew a girl in college who was 25 and I was into her but I had a gf.
    So I didn’t cheat, one night there was a session (party with drinking involved) in my house and myself the girl from college ended up in my bed to sleep. A thought ran through my head as to what to do, I got out of bed and she grabbed my trousers and pulled me back, I left the room. I rang my then girlfriend and confessed what happened, broke it off and sent the girl from college into the spare room.
    I was disgusted with myself and learned from the experience if you ever have any sort of feelings, really evaluate the situation and do not proceed with anything until it’s fully understood and you’re not hurting anyone in the process. I don’t think I’ll ever get over that guilt.

  11. > More beautiful that your girlfriend/wife.

    Yes, but it’s not about them being MORE beautiful than the woman I’m with. I just like to look at attractive women, period. Has nothing to do with who I’m with.

    > And if a more attractive woman made a literal move on you would you take it up?

    Not if we were monogamous. Fortunately it’s never happened in 23 years.

  12. They don’t have to be more attractive than my girl for my eyes to wander. My eyes wander all the time. It’s the rest of me that I keep to myself.

    And no, I generally do not take up offers from other women when I’m not single. It doesn’t really matter how attractive they are.

  13. I do get a bit crosseyed but only when im drunk. I asked my optamologyst about it and they say its just a lazy eye. Down sides are I cannot see straight, upsides are I can see office drama while hitting targets

  14. You can look but nothing compares to the hotness of a bond forged over many years. My wife and I can be objective and know we aren’t 10s but we are worth more to each other than a random 10 could offer.

  15. I can appreciate the beauty of my environment without trying to hump everything I find beautiful. Men aren’t mindless animals contrary to what TV tells you.

  16. After 40 for me attractiveness goes beyond physicality. Its impossible for another women to be more attractive then my girlfriend of 11 years.


    Sure there are more attractive younger girl, no i dont want to have sex with them. I dont know them, I dont want to know them, and I dont want to have sex with a real doll.

  17. There are ALWAYS people better looking than you and me. Accept that.

    The issue of a “wandering eye” is subjective because one can look, appreciate the beauty and yet not be interested in doing more. This is part of the maturity of being an adult. You discipline yourself by actually appreciating what you have now. It’s a matter of self control which isn’t hard if you are truly committed to your partner.

    I’ve been to casinos many times with buddies but never been tempted to gamble, strip clubs, been around drug users….same reaction. Self control.

  18. If you’re in a relationship because your girl is the most beautiful, you’re doing it wrong. It’s a 2nd or 3rd order quality you should care about.

    Having said that, men are always looking at other women especially if they’re attractive but that doesn’t mean they do it with the intention to cheat or swap with current girlfriend.

  19. In my case, no. Why would I give her up period, let alone for someone I don’t know and for all I know would nothing but very forward eye-candy

  20. To be honest, I don’t. I’ve been with my wife for almost 12 years. I don’t even think about relationships with other women because, in my mind, the search for a partner is closed. We’ve been together so long. She’s had my children, is a good partner, and still loves me despite my faults.

    She usually points out attractive women to me. I usually view other women with mild indifference when it comes to attraction.

  21. Hard not to look, easy not to act. I notice attractive women, and I know my wife notices other good looking men. If a woman hits on me, I tell her I’m flattered but married.

  22. Not interested in the slightest.
    I can appreciate a good looking woman but that’s as far as my mind goes

    None of them are better than what i have.. guaranteed

  23. Do I notice other attractive women? Yes. Would I replace my current wife with one? Hell no.

  24. Definitely not. When I am in a relationship my heart belongs to one person and the thoughts of even looking at someone else in that way have lleft my mind as soon as we got together.

  25. No, I can confidently say that my gf is the only one I have eyes for in my relationship. She is the one I value and want to build a relationship with and as a result she is the most beautiful person inside and out for me!

  26. When I’m in a relationship, I barely notice the level of women’s attractiveness. They all just kind of sit in the “that’s a woman” bucket. If I’m asked if someone is attractive, I’ll look, but it’s almost academic. My ex and I split up six months ago, and I’m only now starting to notice that random women are out there and attractive.

  27. Nope, if I am looking at women in that way I start to reevaluate my relationship because clearly I’m not happy.

  28. People look. My wife and I both will admit to finding people attractive. But we’re in love with each other pretty damn deeply, even after ten years.

    I can’t imagine being with someone else, nor would I act on it if the opportunity presented.

    My favorite line when I am hit on and said lady Isn’t getting the picture is, “listen, I’m gay.”

  29. Last time I was in a relationship, other women just weren’t attractive to me. Nothing could be more attractive than the one and only person I could be myself around.

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