When you meet a stranger, how long can you hold a conversation with them?

  1. It depends, but when I go to the bar I always meet new people and it’s easy to talk to them about any and everything and maybe it’s just the booze talking or maybe it’s because I’ve just always been good at talking to people.

  2. Depends on how our interests, values etc align or differ and how good our communication style can synchronize.

  3. Pretty long if they really want to talk, most people like this just do all the talking and you just say something every once in a while.

    I personally am not all that inclined to talk with other people so usually there’s no conversation. I won’t be an asshole and not respond if somebody else is bored though.

  4. Not at all. If I’m unfortunate enough to be approached in public, I try to shut it down before it takes off.

  5. Depends on what we have in common. Bumped into a dude walking a fucking massive st bernard and we spent 45 minutes talking about dogs and good places in the local area to walk them.

  6. Conversations with new people are like a game of volleyball. It takes two people to do it. If one isn’t willing to part in the conversation, then the game ends pretty quickly

    I’m willing to play if the other is as well

  7. About 5 seconds, usually. Need something to talk about. I have nothing to say to a random stranger.

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