I should note that my social skills are good, definitely improved over the past few years, so please cater the advice to someone who isn’t an absolute social mess (and I mean no offence in that as I was like that, but “just be yourself” is really unproductive).

With that out of the way I’ll elaborate the title – I am great at deeper, more meaningful conversations, especially when people give me something to work with, shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. I do struggle with small talk and breaking that ice to go beyond generic conversations, and I think making people laugh and understanding how to develop a naturally funny personality will enhance my life tremendously.

No I’m not planning on being a clown.

Yes I am aware humour is subjective, but that’s irrelevant here as I just want to be a funny person and be able to make people laugh by understanding it better.

Any advice?

Edit – I should note that this is more about talking to women, but unfortunately r/seduction is playing up

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