And how much?

  1. If the accommodations were already booked and I had confirmed I could go prior to booking I’d 100% pay my part of the room. I made a commitment. It’s not their fault something came up for me.

  2. Absolutely. I would offer her half the amount for the room, including taxes and service fees, no questions asked.

  3. If I had already confirmed and the lodgings were already booked, I’d pay what I had originally agreed to even if I was no longer able to attend.

  4. I’ve read this 4 times. and I don’t get it.

    she invites, this means she pays.

    you can’t go, so she spends less money on the trip.

    you share a room… like live together? okay?

    I’m confused

  5. Conditionally, depending on how far out I have to cancel. If it’s months away from the trip or she had another friend willing to take my place, I don’t think it would be appropriate to pay.

    If I’m cancelling near to the date, I’d pay.

  6. If everything was paid for and non-refundable, then yes, of course. Unless she found someone else to take my place, I’d pay for half of the room and any other travel expenses that she might spent on my part. Why? Because it’s not her fault that I suddenly can’t go. She shouldn’t have to waste money unnecessarily on something because of me.

  7. No, because a recession is coming if we aren’t already in one. Just kidding yes I would pay my half. Assuming it’s not refundable and she can’t find anyone else to room with.

  8. I would first try to see if I could find someone to replace me, and failing that, I would do my best to pay for my share of the room, yeah.

  9. Yes, I would pay my share. It’s not fair to her to have to cover my part because I couldn’t make it.

  10. Yes. But I’d need something pretty bad to happen to me to not go. Or in these wonderful times an unlucky virus…

    If I was with the one(s) who made the commitment and we were supposed to share a room I would still pay my part.

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