Why is it a red flag if a girl has mostly guy friends?

  1. People who think men cannot be friends with women think it’s a red flag for an obvious reason.

  2. It really isn’t. The people who think it is likely have more red flags than a Chinese military convoy themselves.

  3. Because they’re projecting. Liars think everyone lie. Thieves think everyone steal. Follow that line of thought from there.

  4. Is she actually friends or is she cultivating a group of guys who think they are persuing her?

  5. Generally speaking, men don’t befriend women they aren’t physically attracted to unless they themselves are the one putting her in the friend zone and she is the one with attraction. We see it all of the time with the BS where the guy “has feelings but doesn’t wanna ruin the friendship” – he isn’t her friend, he’s pretending to be in hopes that he will get a sexual or romantic opportunity with her. If your girl is truly deluded enough to believe she is being sought after for true friendship, have her call/text this friend and tell him she’s single and wants to hook up. A real friend would shut it down on the spot.

    Take a look at how the men who disagree look – they are going to be undesirable losers who are desperate for female interaction.

  6. Preference and not necessarily a red flag. Depends who the dudes are too. Romantically involved in the oast? Nope. A couple of good platonic friends? Different story.

    I also don’t like large amounts of friends in general if you got 50 friends you talk to all the time, you don’t have time to hang with me. Im not doing a bunch of bdays, get togethers, weddings etc. Nope.

  7. Because it means she’s constantly got a bunch of dudes in hear ear who all secretly want to bang her. Even though she insists that it’s just platonic and they have no interest in her.

  8. By itself, it isn’t. But usually she only/mostly has guy friends because A) she feeds off the attention and/or B) women got tired of her shit and refuse to befriend her.

  9. If you’re not dating her, who cares?

    If you are… case-by-case basis to me. Maybe she feels more comfortable around guys because she grew up with mostly brothers. Maybe she has hobbies that some consider to be more tomboyish. I honestly think women find it slightly easier to have a completely platonic friendship with a man than vice versa.

    Not only is it not always a red flag, it could be a benefit in some ways. Might mean she has a slightly better understanding of men than average. Could make her a better friend or even partner to a guy.

    Of course, could also mean she’s keeping a roster of backups hanging around that are just waiting for you to f*ck up.

    So not a red flag… maybe a yellow one. Approach with healthy caution.

  10. It’s not if you’re not insecure. Either she’s worthy of your trust or she’s not, but that doesn’t have anything to do with who her friends are.

  11. Because often 50% of them are trying to be more than friends and 90% would at least be down given the opportunity. Its also just a red flag to me people it usually means they dont get along with other women which is a problem IMO.

  12. It depends. If she sets boundaries and holds them to it then really it isn’t a problem.

    If she constantly flirts, seeks attention from them then I would see that as a problem.

  13. The assumption is she either has or will fuck one or all of them. Why even put yourself in that situation to worry about that. Seems stressful.I’d be friends with a girl like that but never date.

  14. It’s not. As a woman who mostly befriend men, I don’t do it because I seek their attention but because most women (not everyone, I have some very close female friends) bore me and/or end up getting envious and starting being evil towards me (especially if their bfs happen to meet me, that’s why I never want to meet them unless it doesn’t happen randomly)

  15. It’s not. But it can cause problems. I have dated a few girls with little to no female friends and a whole lot of male friends. Usually a lot of those guys were attracted to her but either didn’t have the stones to ask her out or have had funny business on the side. Opposite sex friends are not bad, but you need to be able to establish appropriate boundaries and you don’t want the guy who is just hanging around hoping he will finally score with her.

  16. It’s not.

    There are plenty of reasons why she might mostly have male friends, including male-dominated jobs or hobbies.

    Guys on the internet, particularly young, American guys, are really insecure.

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