I have 4 years until I’m 40, and I need some inspiration.

  1. Learn how to play an instrument, learn a language, build something. Find something that you need to “conquer” and don’t be afraid to share with your family.

  2. I want to buy an old convertible that I can take to car shows but the wife says its a waste of money. You only live once.

  3. I’m 50 and I havent had one. I suspect I won’t. I don’t regret not having done the things I haven’t done. And I’ve gotten past, and outgrown the stuff I used to do. I do miss the physical abilities I had, but no midlife crisis attempt is going to change that.

    40 is still young enough that you don’t have to miss the past or think you have missed out. You can still do those things. 40 is the new 28.

    Worrying about turning 40 is a little silly in my estimation. I’d love to turn 40. I was capable of so much more at 40.

  4. I’m 46.

    About a year and a half ago, I moved my mother into an adult group care home after she fell and cracked her hip. Shortly after that, my father was diagnosed with the early stages of Alzheimer’s. In the last year, I’ve taken over all of my parents’ finances, taken away all of their cars, and been responsible for arranging all needed maintenance at their house.

    I don’t have children, and I don’t want them. I have no idea how I will age, or how I can manage to live through the slow-motion horror movie that is my parents’ final years. (Mom’s actually pretty good in the group home; it’s Dad being stubborn/defensive/whatever that’s the worst so far)

    Sorry, not fun or sexy or silly.

  5. Got the convertible. got cancer. Hit the gym. Sold the convertible. Beat the cancer. Still lifting out the other side.

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