How do you stop comparing yourself to other girls your ex is talking to?

  1. I don’t pay any attention at all to what any of my exes are doing. I highly recommend it; can’t compare yourself to someone you don’t know exists.

  2. I don’t see why I would do that to start with. My exes’ love interests and partners aren’t my business, so I’ve just never paid any attention to that. It doesn’t have any relevance or value to me.

  3. Addressing your inner conflicts is important. Recognize your feelings (emotions wheel on Google can help), communicate them, regulate them and also lastly, regulate the effect they have on your behaviour. Also, always find peace in the fact that emotions shrink over time

  4. By not keeping up with your ex’s life and whereabouts. Or remembering why they’re an ex.

  5. I never let myself slide into that headspace. Took conscious effort a few times but if you know who they’re dating you’re probably too close to your ex. Distance and time is really the best way to heal. If you want to be petty you can compare who you’re dating to your ex and see how far short they fall. Not the healthiest in the moment but it helps build appreciation for who you’re with instead of longing for someone else.

  6. If you’ve acknowledged that you *should* stop, then I’d say you’re on your way to healthier mindset.

    Keep practicing, keep rationalising, keep letting logic win over instinct until logic *becomes* your instinct.

  7. I wish all my exes well but I don’t keep in contact with a single one of them. I also just wouldn’t care even if I did know.

  8. Block your ex on everything so you don’t even see what they are doing. Unless you have to see them (school /work) there is no reason to even know what they do with their lives.

    If you have no way to block them, you need to make a concious effort to not let your mind going there.

  9. The first step is to stop looking at what your ex is doing with his/her life. That means you need to unfriend them on all social media and block their number.

    The second step is to have a frank conversation with a licensed therapist about this issue and be sure to do everything they suggest you do. So if they suggest going for a walk every day to clear your head – do it.

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