I’ve had profiles on online dating sites for a while. Most the time my messages get ignored sometimes I get lucky. I recently went back to college and the amount of women that hit on me without me even doing anything is more than the replies I get back online dating. What’s even weirder are the women that do hit on me are extremely attractive and it just throws me off guard because online dating made me feel inadequate from my lack of replies. Im just a really shy person and I don’t hit on women first because on social media I see women complaining about being approached and don’t like it in public so I feel like I have to wait until someone does something first.

  1. there’s a lot of competition online. you have to make sure you stand out. you’re probably not taking good pics and not translating your real life looks to online profiles.

    sounds like you also need to level up your messaging and texting. women don’t like being approached by creeps. so just don’t be creepy, and beside volume is key.

  2. Yeah apps only work if you’re super hot. In person works better for almost everyone, but especially people with manners and personality. Apps dont let you show those things off.

  3. Yea insane. I approach and ask the number and I instantly get them.
    I was very bad at tinder and just gave up. I am not good at texting I guess.

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