To sum things up, my relationship is going to sh!t. My bf (m/21) and I always fight and he always says the unforgivable! (Ex: ur going no where in life without me, ur family is a bunch of electricians, I can f\* any girl I want to (proceeds to name girl friends and family members), etc.) \*ew\*

One of the biggest fights happened, New Year’s Eve. My bf came over for my family dinner, and my cousin joined when it was done. My cousins bf brought dr\*gs, and my bf ended up doing almost all of it in a matter of minutes. My cousins bf got really mad at my bf for doing most of it, so he stopped giving him more dr\*gs. This made my bf furious, they both started arguing in front of everyone and my bf kicked him and my cousin out of my house. Then, my bf proceeded to take his anger out on me by spam texting me as he was in my bed that “2022 will be the worst year for you, your family sucks, I can not wait to leave here as soon as I sober up, you really messed up, etc.”

I went up to my room and tried talking to my bf multiple times but he continued to let his anger out on me and say mean things. Until, I bursted into tears. I told him to get up and leave because I did not want to be with someone who does not love me. When he finally got out of my bed, he stood up and yelled “Fine, I’ll leave now. Who knows who else slept in this bed anyways!”.

Then, my door swung open and there was my brother (m/19), enraged. He yelled out “WHAT DID U JUST SAY TO HER” and beat up my bf so badly, that bl\*\*d was dripping out of his face. My bf then started crying and apologizing to me on my couch as he waited for his taxi.

Now months later, things have only gotten worse. Just yesterday I didn’t tell my bf when I got home from work, so he’s been ignoring me for the past 24 hours.

  1. He’s a lil druggie whine ass bitch. u deserve so much better then that asshole. if u stay with it u will never see how good life really can be.

  2. Yes your relationship is extremely toxic and your boyfriend is abusive. Please block him and if he ever looks for you get a restraining order.

    Please go into therapy and realize that dealing with men with anger issues will get you killed at some point, stay away fe drugs and people that do them and tell your family to help you go into therapy.

    Please never reach out to your bf ever again.

  3. Are you trolling?

    If not you gotta leave him. How ridiculous. I’m shocked that you let it get this far. But what’s done is done, lessons learned, time to move on.

    Why do so many girls stay in these types of toxic relationships with idiots like this guy you’re dating.

  4. He is lower than an asshole. Do yourself a favor and DUMP HIM!

    It is much better to be alone than in a dysfunctional relationship.

  5. What’s good is that your family is aware of how horrible he his.

    I would start by saying it’s over and tell him to never come back. Block him on any avenue of contact you have with each other. If he shows up at your house, at work, whenever he’s not welcome. Make sure you to make clear that you’ll contact the police if he does otherwise. Beacuse that’s what I recommend next: be prepared to file a restraining order if you want to. And if things were to get physical, do not be afraid to get the police. Your safety and well being is most important here!

    No doubt his reaction to all this will be abysmal, but who cares. He’s shit and deserves to be left in the dust. No matter what he says or does remain firm and keep him away. He’ll try to make you feel bad, he’ll blame you for everything, he’ll apologize, **don’t listen**. Keep your family and friends updated so they can know what’s going on too and back you up.

    Wish you the best of luck!

  6. Really? You really think this is a normal relationship? Is this what you wanted when you used to think about love? I am sure you didn’t want this. Then just get up and tell this turd to get lost. Dont entertain him or anybody who doesn’t respect you. Make it a firm boundary. Anybody that calls you names, yells at you, tries to control you, lies to you, says mean things etc doesn’t deserve another second in your life. Get out of this as soon as possible. Good luck.

  7. RUN

    I’m really glad your brother beat the shit out of him. He deserved it, and more.

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