Is there a great way to approach someone who incessantly interrupts, talks over, and does not listen to what the other person has to say on the phone without turning it into an arugument?

I’m trying to find a time when we are both in a peaceful state of mind to bring it up without risking escalation. I’ve come to accept that the issue will always be there to an extent, but if I cannot even get a sentence out at all while being fussed at for wrongful assumptions it really has me at my wits end.

For the record, it’s a workplace issue, climbing the ladder to management is not out of the question but really not the path I’d like to take on this. Would just like to get them to understand they are talking over people constantly and not listening to the few words that others manage to get in. A fight out of this is the last thing I want.

  1. Following as I deal with this with a coworker. I’ve tried actually asking her not to talk over me or to lower her voice but it didn’t help.

  2. Lol, I mix in letting them finish or interrupting myself; seems to work.

    I’m socially aware of what’s going on and he’s the complete opposite; I just accept that this is some people.

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