So I’m (25f) obviously very attracted to my bf (23m) and it’s got to the point where even just sitting next to him or looking at him makes me ridiculously wet. Honestly within minutes of being near him my underwear are soaked which obviously sucks if I have to wear them the rest of the day. I debated wearing pads but then I don’t want him to see that when I take off my underwear, idk does anyone have any suggestions?

  1. Are you new in your relationship? Have you recently started having sex? Could just be hormones that may settle down over time

  2. Because he’d never want to hear “I had to wear a pad because being around you makes me so wet”

  3. Is this all the time or just certain parts of your cycle? If only certain very fertile periods of your cycle, might not be bad to wear a pad or thick underwear for those days specifically

  4. You could try a pair of period-absorbing underwear. I’ve seen them available in multiple styles with different absorbency levels.

  5. Happens with me too when i’m around my female friends, underwear wet everytime. Heartbeat run faster plus boner.

  6. Don’t hide it lol

    Side question: I saw from another post you had a LDR..
    Does your LDR really work? If so how long has it been going on? And how far apart are you two?

  7. Yup , I get this. I’ve (31f) been with my husband (42m) for 14 years and still get highly aroused when I’m near him. His skin , his smell , just everything. I have to wear pads or liners cause I’m always wet 🤦‍♀️ , I’ve had swabs done so the nasty stuff can be ruled out.

    I need to look into it , but feel like turning 31 and hitting the “dirty thirties ” has turned my libido and hormones into overdrive. I’m constantly horny . My libido took a massive dive during pregnancy and I don’t know if I’m trying to make up for lost time 😂

    Us being parents to 3 children aged 8 , 4 and 2 , juggling work commitments and home life has limited sex. We can’t have spontaneous sex and have to plan.

    My advice – have lot of sex…. wohhooo

  8. Take a bathroom break, come back bottomless. Though if I saw a pad in my gf’s underwear and she told me it was there because just being near me made her inconveniently wet, I’d feel pretty good about it.

  9. Been with my boyfriend almost two years and I have the same problem haha….just have to pack an extra pair of underwear

  10. Just wear the panty liners honestly! It won’t put him off! For environment reasons please consider washable organic cotton or bamboo or recycled cloth.

  11. I have this exact same problem with my boyfriend and started wearing liners because it was so annoying! 11/10 can recommend telling your bf, I ended up admitting it to mine and he was pleased as hell 😂

  12. Give him head for a couple of minutes and let him take control. Embrace the process, but beware of dopamine and oxytocin addiction.

  13. id loved to see u wet in ur thongs. in fact id loved to have ur thongs that u get wet in when ur around him

  14. A panty liner is okay. Men usually don’t focus that much plus if he asked you, just tell him that’s because how hot he is. 🙂

  15. I have this same “problem”… but my husband & I have a language barrier, so even tho I’ve explained it & used translate as well, he still doesn’t understand why I wear pads/liners… (He’s also young & pretty much doesn’t understand a thing about female anatomy) He’d probably be extremely excited if he understood what it was about… I’m pretty sure your guy will find it quite sexy as well… if not, then that’s pretty immature of him imo… Trust me, enjoy it while you can! It’s not every day you find someone who gets your juices flowing simply by existing! 🥰

  16. I always carry a spare set of underwear either way cause I’m the same way as well as for my period in case it surprises me lol

  17. How about those absorbent period panties? I’ve heard those are great and don’t feel mushy when wet

  18. Throw your soaked panties at him showing him the affect he has on you and I’m pretty sure he will love it.

  19. Don’t be shy about it, it’s absolutely natural, along with moaning during sex, very beautiful and good for a girl.

  20. Same here. I wish we could do it like 5 times a day but my bf can’t ever. Plus there Re better things to do anyway. But still… I wish he can do it more than just 2 times a day

  21. I don’t think he would be grossed out. That would be a huge compliment. And if you tell him, and he doesn’t care, at some point at a restaurant or out somewhere and you’re soaked, tell him you’re going to use the restroom. Take off your panties and ball them up and when you get back give them to him and tell him something like “look at this mess you made me make”. Boner alert 🚨

  22. Honestly tho just wear a pantyliner if y’all are gonna be out in public and take it off when y’all are back home and seem like you’re about to get sexy. Even if he catches you with it on once or twice, he’ll probably just think it’s super hot when you explain what it’s there for (I.e. so you don’t soak ur socks)

  23. This happens to me too. People are usually pretty excited to find out how wet they got me without even touching me yet.

  24. You are fuck struck. If you’re this wet I would get it out of your system. Are you fucking him every day or every time you see him? I hope so. If this continues for a year I would see a doctor.

  25. You are lucky.i don’t get to have a relationship and sex.i just read what everyone else is doing.

  26. Tell him, it’s a guarantee turn on! Love to know when my babes is wet, i want to enjoy the moment with her

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