So I’ve been seeing her for a month, several times a week and have sex each time.

I brought up exclusivity a couple weeks back and she wasn’t sure. She told me to give her time.

Now I’ve brought it up again. We talked for hours. She mentioned that she doesn’t see exclusivity and a relationship as being different and needs time to see if she wants a relationship.

I told her while she takes time to think, why not agree to not have sex or date other people.

Ultimately I told her that I cannot continue to see her if she does not want to be exclusive. She eventually agreed to being exclusive… but sounded reluctant.

I asked how many guys she’s talking to and she mentioned she still is in contact with all of them, since she doesn’t want to be mean.

Also, a week or two ago, she mentioned that she has not slept with anyone else…. Last night she mentioned sleeping with one other guy and how she felt like garbage after I pushed more for exclusivity.

I honestly feel disgusted thinking about her sleeping with someone else… but i like her. I still trying to contemplate if it will mess with my head in the future. Also, I do not like that I had to pull teeth for her to want to be exclusive.

My question is, do you think she will go behind my back and fuck / date other guys? And just wants to keep me around for the time-being ?

  1. Short answer is yes.

    But it’s not really cheating if y’all ain’t exclusive.

    Also, a month really isn’t a long time to figure out commitment of any level. Getting all serious took the fun and lighthearted aspect out of whatever you two have been doing.

    She gone.

  2. Bro she’s for da streetz. Send her back. The streets need women like that.

    She’s not gonna be exclusive with you. You’re needy and desperate which is unattractive. Pressuring her into exclusivity will only push her away.

  3. >Ultimately I told her that I cannot continue to see her if she does not want to be exclusive. She eventually agreed to being exclusive… but sounded reluctant.

    Yea because you gave her an ultimatum. You strong armed her into doing something she told you more than once that she doesn’t want to do.


    >My question is, do you think she will go behind my back and fuck / date other guys? And just wants to keep me around for the time-being ?

    Break up with her. You guys aren’t compatible and you don’t trust her anyways. This is just a toxic relationship waiting to happen.

  4. She told you she needs time to think about being exclusive and instead of giving her that time you told her to act like you guys are exclusive while she thinks if she even wants to be exclusive. You pressured her into something she didn’t wanna do, you should’ve respected her feelings. Sure she did wrong by lying, but you didn’t act great either. If I were you, I would end things with her because you two don’t sound like a good match for each other.

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