My wife is spending a quarter of my pay a month and blaming our financial instability on me. I just found out by doing some math with our finances. I love her to death and am afraid to confront her because I think it will lead to divorce. What should I do?

  1. Let me know, because I could use very similar advice.

    My wife ran our finances for years, and did well, but it all went off the rails during the lockdowns. Now that we have a joint account she refuses to contribute what is needed and our bills are starting to fall behind.

  2. What is she using your pay on? I’d have a calm sit down and go over finances together. What’s being spent on what, where you guys can cut back and so on.

  3. > am afraid to confront her because I think it will lead to divorce. What should I do?

    If you’re at that point, consult with a divorce attorney on the down low. Know where you stand. Does not sound like you guys have a healthy relationship if it has you thinking a conversation on finances is going to trigger divorce.

  4. Many details missing.

    Is your income the only income? Does she work?

    A quarter of your pay on “spending,” and the rest on what?

    Do you have automatic contributions to retirement?

  5. If you are affraid to talk to your spouse about a crucial issue such as this, then you’re not in a marriage anymore.

    You’re in a hostage situation, high on Stockholm Syndrome.

  6. When you say “dips” into yours , are the bills paid and paid on time? What about the other needs in the household? These questions are very important… what about savings, issue putting money aside into savings?

  7. According to your comment history, you’re trying your hardest to cheat on her. You’re committing sexual infidelity while she’s committing financial infidelity. I’d clean up my own shit before I started harping on her too much.

  8. Have your check deposited into an account with only your name on it and then have a talk with her about her decisions and their consequences

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