I thought it was common for men not to feel excitement when masturbating before orgasm, but I saw that this is not true, it only happens to me. This happens both in masturbation and sex. I only feel pleasure when I come, it’s even easy for me to reach 3-4, but I never feel pleasure before that, it’s very sad, it leaves me unsatisfied in the end. I don’t know if it was because I consumed pornography or masturbated frequently.
I keep seeing my girlfriend feeling a lot of pleasure before orgasm and I’m jealous at the same time as I’m happy for her.
Does anyone know how I can recover?
Note: Yes, I’m a mildly perverted

1 comment
  1. It could be any number of things that caused it.

    Do you still use lots of porn and masturbate? Not that its bad but maybe slow down with it or maybe take a couple weeks off and see if you notice a difference.

    For me one thing that helped me feel more pleasure was to allow myself to really focus on what I was feeling and not focus on whether it was pleasurable. I think we ( both men and women) put a lot of pressure onto feeling and needing a very certain thing that in the end we miss everything leading up to it.

    Like wife lightly running her fingers up my shaft. Wouldn’t have cared about it one bit a decade and a half ago. Now i just close my eyes and focus and try to feel every little thing she does.

    So yeah thats what I would reccomend, just try to feel what is happening and enjoy it for what it is. Your GF or Wife playing with your genitals. This will help you in the long run.

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