Maybe some are more visual than others, but I do know my bf is extremely visual.. it slightly worries me that maybe I won’t be able to visually please him forever lol.

  1. i am blind so i really couldn’t care less. even if she looked like a monkey i’d still love her

  2. The older I get, the more I am attracted to older women. Younger women are still cute and sexy and hot and all that. But all those little signs of aging have overtime turned from deal breakers to not deal breakers to kind of attractive to genuinely appealing.

    No matter what age you are, you are still appealing and attractive if you take care of yourself.

  3. The long time couples tend not to notice eachother getting older because it’s slow

    The initial attraction seems to evolve

  4. If that was all you were ever interested in, sure. There’s a reason some guys serial date women of a particular age no matter how old they get.

    Most guys aren’t getting into lasting relationships purely on looks, though.

  5. 22 years and counting and I’m more interested in her than I’ve ever been. That woman still makes me nervous, though. She’ll give me those “fuck me” eyes and I’m a stuttering school boy tripping on my words……and we have 4 kids together.

  6. My attachment to my wife supercedes any of that.

    I’ve been with my wife 20 years and I find her much more attractive than when we met.

  7. As long as she is taking care of herself…investing in her health and putting her best foot forward in life, chances are high I will remain attracted to her through all of life’s stages. After all, I’d be aging right along with her!

    It’s only if she takes my attraction for granted and gives up on maintaining herself that there is a chance I’ll no longer find her appealing.

  8. when we have sex, we kissed a lot and i close my eyes a lot. all my focus is how good it feels when my dick is inside her.

    its true men are visual creatures but most times when we have sex my wife dont even put on make up, i just cant wait for her pussy and the intimacy.

  9. You also get older and fatter. Plus you love the person. Plus you’re more mature and realize looks aren’t everything. Plus you have other priorities and sex isn’t your only goal in life. Plus young ladies now call you sir.

  10. Sexually, maybe a little, but your supposed to bond with your partner and that’s worth a hell of a lot

  11. If your around them all the time you don’t really notice it. It’s like the little puppy you got that you carried around with one hand who is now pushing 65lbs and you keep calling a puppy but to everyone else it’s an adult dog

  12. Yes we lose interest

    But it’s easy enough to ditch the old uggo and find a new arm candy

    And before you cal me Leo… I’m only talking about doing this bec they’re 40

  13. I believe that if my wife’s whole attitude didn’t change, and she would showed me any hint of affection or sign that she loves me, then her appearance wouldn’t matter much. But those things ARE in play. She could be a knockout, and I’d be in the same shitty situation. Looks are great, but people are really mean and ugly on the inside.

  14. Well, it’s true that men are visual creatures. But to me personally I can totally be attracted to a good personality conversation combo. All I need is just a small spark, not a bang pow raging fire.

    Besides, lights do have a dimmer switch if you have that issue.

  15. 30 years together and she can still get dolled up and look better then girls half her age. After all that time she knows what I like to do, like to see and how I see it and that just increases attraction. I am a happy mother fucker that feels like he lucked out. Hopefully I die before my birdie, hehe

  16. Attraction is a feeling, and like any emotion, it can come and go. However, if you love someone, you will act lovingly towards them regardless of if that attraction is there, because you care about them, and that can spark attraction in its own way.

  17. Nah, it’s the value of the person and who they are over the look, nothing last forever except good hearts and good people,

    your partner is your other side, if you see them this way then you better get yourself checked!

  18. I’ve worn glasses since I was 12. So I can make any girl hotter just by taking them off and turning down the lights.

  19. I feel like having spent all my time with that one person, I will appreciate more than appearances and have grandkids to be hopeful for. Plus you’d be old, you can’t pull any hoes

  20. There’s getting older, and then there’s letting yourself go. There’s a difference, and he won’t leave you if he loves you.

  21. Men are very imaginative too. They remember the young self and can go back to imagine that while being with same gf/wife. We are not that shallow as people think. 😊

  22. Well, I’m not married, but if this helps. I’m over 40. And although I still find those 20-something hot yoga instructors very physically attractive…. I don’t really go over and try and sleep with them. I go for more age appropriate women.

    There are some men out there like Leo. But most I think would agree with the following statement. Even if they don’t go chasing after them.

    from a visual point of view, yeah, young beautiful women, don’t stop being beautiful just because I got old.

  23. Be thankful of this very real fact. Men do mentally mature with age and it usually begins in our mid 30s when you are still very much attractive to us. By the time your skin begins to wrinkle and things start to sag, we’ve had enough time to emotionally pair bond with you and those things no longer matter to us anymore.

    You may not be able to stop him from looking at younger 20-somethings but as long as you’re fulfilling his needs then looking is all he’ll do.

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