i (23f) recently had sex with a guy (25m) who i’m thinking of dating- while we were getting frisky there was a lot of trading between oral and penetrating, he was fucking me so good then decided to go down on me, when he did it only took 2 licks to get to the center of the tootsie pop and i squirted all over his face, in the moment i wasn’t thinking of it till it was over and i looked at his face. he looked SHOCKED, absolutely shocked, he got up and washed off his face and came back, i was honestly a little embarrassed and apologized, he just said it’s okay and we went back to it. personally, i’ve always seen squirting as hot and if a girl did that to my face my reaction would be far from that, i would be a lot more enthusiastic for sure. i know everyone has their own thing, but now i don’t know if i am the weirdo in this situation for thinking it would be hot when he looked so concerned. i just don’t know if i could date a guy that didn’t like it! then i would have to make sure i never came during sex or else i would squirt- so what’s your opinion? hot or not?

  1. It’s an amazing feeling, but if you can give a heads up, it’s appreciated, I’ve had squirt up my nose or been waterboarded by it because I wasn’t expecting it, I’ve also started to figure out the visual cues she gives when it’s getting close but a heads up never hurts

  2. Imo it’s hot.. but.. your guy had a shocked look on his face not a disgusted one.. and you both went back to it after he’d cleaned up. That sounds to me like he just wasn’t expecting it and maybe has never encountered it irl before.

    Talk to your fella when you’re both not ‘at it’ to find out his actual feelings. 👍

  3. Personally, I am not interested in having squirt in/on my face. If it happens, so be it.

    You can argue that it might not be entirely pee, but pretty much all of the studies indicate that it’s at least partially pee.

    I have no issues with squirters, and they can be a lot of fun. Generally I’m pretty good at identifying if she’s a squirter before it happens, but I prefer a heads up so that I can take the precautions to avoid it.

    Women expect to be warned before a guys cums in their mouth, and I expect to be warned before a woman squirts on my face.

  4. Yes, it is hot, but just like a woman giving head to a guy, a heads up that it is coming is nice. If you aren’t expecting a gush coming at your face, it could be quite the surprise.

    That has me picturing it now and I could definitely see humor in it.

  5. My wife squirted a little on me when we were 69. I loved it and kept going till she forced herself off of my face. I wanted to keep 69, she wanted PIV.

  6. Figure the same rules should apply for women as men. If a girl is giving head and hasnt mentioned she is ok with u cumming in her mouth you let her know.

    Pretty sure that is all you need to do as well.

  7. Only had it happen once and hated it. She had a steady stream unleash in my mouth without warning. Unless someone has given you advance consent to cum on their face, always let them know when you’re about to cum so that they can decide where they want it.

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