What has happened to you that made you a stronger person?

  1. Get dumped by my toxic LDR ex as I was sorting out my visa to move to him. Jokes on him, it gave me courage to change jobs and now I’m making over twice what I was and also found someone absolutely amazing and who completes me in every possible way ❀

  2. I had a serious accident a few years ago & broke my leg in several places. Multiple surgeries and long, tough rehabilitation to even be able to walk again. It was a lot of work and determination, but thanks to my doc, rehab and family, i am whole again. Like they say” What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”

  3. 8 family members dying within 8 years, 6 of them within 4 years, than a little “break” of nearly 3 years and then 2 of them died within half a year. This started when I was 16, im 24 now. I got Depression out of that.

    Also some very toxic and manipulative relationships.

    All of that made me stronger but I still struggle with depression.

  4. Growing up in a dysfunctional family where I was the parent to my siblings, and the background problem solver to my parents.

    Although it’s made me stronger, it’s also made me independent to a fault, people-pleasing is ingrained in me, and I can’t seem to sit still as ‘there’s always something that needs doing / always a problem that needs to be solved’.

  5. Um getting raped changed my perspective on a lot of things. I don’t think it made me stronger because it damaged me so much on a mental, physical and emotional level and I was nothing for a long time. The PTSD made things worse but it pushed me into becoming someone I needed to be and showed me that my mind is a powerful thing. Through determination I can transform and exist in ways I didn’t know were possible.

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