So there is this girl that I once talked to about 3 weeks ago. We hit it off really well, and I wanted to meet again, but I have never had the courage to. We both do track so I finally tried to bring up a conversation, but I didnt. Then i decided just to talk for a little bit, so while we were on on 3rd mile I, and remember it’s been around 3 weeks and I’ve never talked to her, I said GoOd JoB dOnT gIvE Up, like an episode of barney the dinosaur. I’m thinking of just giving up and cutting my losses, just, why did I say that.

  1. 3 weeks is nothing. Start talking tomorrow. Compliment her shoes. Or whatever.
    If you don’t take a chance on her, you’ll always regret it.

  2. This isn’t that bad, OP. I think it’s worse to ignore the situation and act like you aren’t interested when you clearly are. But you do need to get up the courage to talk to her normally. You can do it!

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