So im a man (24) who has only ever had crushes on women but over the past few years i have suddenly found men sexually attractive? I still prefer women sexually, I only want to be romantic with women but A few years ago I remember watching a straight porn video And I just found the dude hot in a sexual way. He had a great dick and an amazing body which looked like a greek god but I just imagined worshipping his body and fucking him/being fucked by him.

I mostly jerk off to women but sometimes I find men hot and masturbate over them

  1. Its pretty normal for us bi people to slant one way or the other.

    Its also pretty normal for bi guys to struggle with attraction to men because we’re trained “Gay is bad” and the older you are the harder it is to shake and like let yourself relax and be interested in men as easily. That’s how I am, I’m in my 30s and a guy has to like hit me, you know have and emotional impact, before I can really pay him attention sexually. Guys passing on teh street I barely notice, where women are much more likely to catch me because I’m not like trained internally to never get caught glancing at a woman.

  2. I fantasize about a blowjob from other men. Both receiving and giving. Not sure what that means.

  3. What!? You find insanely hot, sexy people having sexy sexually enticing!? Honestly I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Just keep enjoying what you enjoy. If you find that your attractions fit a kind of pattern that leads you to a label like “hetero-flexible,” “bicurious,” or “bisexual,” well and good. And if not, we’ll and good too!

  4. If you’re single explore it and see if you actually like doing anything with the same the sex before just labeling yourself. There really isn’t any need to label it just enjoy yourself.

  5. Figured out I was Pansexual in my 30s. People are hot, and if people think differently of me because of who I find attractive then cool for them. Doesn’t bother me.

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