Okay so I have known my girlfriend for about 3 years now and have been in a “relationship” for over a year. We started with a very casual setting where both of us were looking for something not serious until we realised that the other person seemed like someone we could spend our lives with.

Now I have never wanted a relationship, definitely not so early in life, I always envisioned my 20s as a bachelor looking to fool around. I love her, I absolutely do and that’s what has stopped me from choosing to be single, because I do really value her. But from time to time I keep getting the urge to go back to single life, only problem is ofc, doing it so that I can fool around feels messed up.

Not sure what I’m looking for here, maybe some sense to be knocked into my head I suppose.

  1. It’s not messed up to idealize that kind of life, but being single in your late 20s is not nearly as fun as you think it is.

  2. Bruv, you are in an unlucky position and I know exactly how you feel. My advice would be to tell her what you wan to do. Don’t say you want to fool around but say you may have the occasional encounter once in a while and if it does happen you want her to know it’s nothing. You are being honest with her so she will respect you for it even if she is not happy with the situation. Lots of guys do not have the balls to do this and I’m not gonna lie you are gonna have to risk losing your girl when using this advice. But it’s better it ends now than she takes everything from you later down the future because you messed up.

    You are still way too young to be in a relationship bro and as long as you constantly work on yourself, there isn’t much to lose. The only way is up my boi

  3. You definitely have the choice to break it of for that reason. Nothing wrong with that. Just know that the grass might not be greener on the other side. These urges will probably not really go away and that’s a sacrifice that goes with being in a relationship. If you love the person enough and feel it’s worth the sacrifice then continue with the relationship and know what you’re doing it for.

    ETA: if you do decide to break it of, expect it to be forever. Also if you do continue it could as well be that the relationship stops after a year or so. Make your decision and stick with it for the foreseeable future.

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