I’ll try to keep the backstory as short as I can. About 2 months ago me and my gf of 5 years broke up. I’m over her, but miss being in a relationship with someone. Recently, I got a new job in a new city. I met this girl from work that checked all the boxes of the type of girl I wanted to be with. After a couple of days of late night talks with her, I told her I was attracted to her. I didn’t get the response I wanted, but I didn’t expect anything out of telling that. After a few days she acts cold towards me and so I started to feel uncomfortable and awkward around her. I want to change that, because it is making work difficult.

Im planning on focusing on myself and I know this crush/attraction will go away eventually, but what should I do until then? Do I just ignore her? Do I ask her why she started acting this way? I have not fucking clue.

  1. Just ignore her, and if you have to talk to her, just keep it cordial. If she’s acting cold to you then she probably doesn’t want to be bothered.

  2. This is why you act like coworkers are married with 5 kids: Off limits. No need to ghost her though. Keep interactions professional and NEVER bring it up again.

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