My ex(m26) broke it off again.. my(24 f) dumb ass really thought we’d work things out. He dumped me this march because he caught feelings for a co-worker and 3 weeks later he said it was a mistake. Ever since that incident I couldnt shake it off I felt just like a place holder. So many empty and broken promises. I’ve been suffering from depression ever since, the relationship was just empty. Ive give in 100% and I felt like I was getting less than 20%. He promised to make everything better but it felt like nothing.I would always ask and just beg for attention and love and I should have to do that.

Tonight I asked him if he still likes me or finds me attractive and all I got was,
”Why you say that?”
Im so traumatized by the first break up, I ask if he still wants this relationship and if he love me, and why he did it. He just stared and me and said ,” this isnt gonna work out.”
I just said okay and drove off to cry at a park. Just the fact he dosnt try to make things right…

I wish it worked out, even if I knew it wasnt and everyone told me. His family is a mess and so is he but I love him, he just doesnt love me. I didnt even care if I was going to be poor and struggling I’d only go through it with him. He just abandone me, but stupid me. Im just trying to tell myself this is some kind of blessing but at this pointing im just ruining my phone screen with my tears, and I feel emptier than I already was.

  1. hey, I was also in similar situation as you (from what it sounds anyway) deserve better. You deserve someone that’s going to give you 150% when you can only give them 50% at the time. You deserve someone that is willing to understand you and work with you. Easier said than done, but, you need to give your 100% to yourself now. Or atleast try to. I wish you the best healing, I know it’ll get better when you focus on you

  2. You weren’t a placeholder, it just wasn’t meant to be. He just didn’t connect with you in a way that the effort of the relationship felt reciprocal, he did likely put less work in, but that has nothing to do with your qualities, he just wasn’t ready for a relationship, didn’t feel the spark with you, and then unfortunately left you standing when he did find someone he felt that spark with.

    Remember that you are a good person deserving of love, there is nothing wrong with you and you shouldn’t beat yourself up over him. Take some time away from the dating scene to build yourself back up, take up a new hobby or two to distract you.

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