He came fast and didn’t give me head when I gave him head all three times.
The third time it took a bit longer for him to cum but the first two times it was almost instant. I blinked and that shit was over. I was left with women version of blue balls both times because he didn’t finish me.

I try to give the benefit of the doubt and see if he improved the next time but he didn’t.

It might help him improve with the next women but then I’d rather avoid the discussion all together because it’ll hurt his feelings and he’s kinda angsty and explosive

  1. Don’t be like “hey you fucker, you suck at sex!” and blow a raspberry, because that will do nothing to help him and will just hurt his feelings. *Constructive* criticism is key if you want to go that route, but honestly you are probably better off just leaving it. The best way to learn from feedback is with a partner you’re still having sex with, so it will really mute the impact if you’re ending things anyways. If you need to bring up sex and don’t want to have the whole discussion, just let him know you’re incompatible and answer his questions if he has them. You don’t have any duty to set him up for future partners, other than not leaving him worse than you found him and not letting him get away with actually hurtful stuff. Being bad at sex is way too common for you to need to worry about it.

  2. Tell him he goes down on you until you cum or you give up. Or the sex between you is over. Simple.

  3. I don’t think any conversation after the relationship has ended is likely to help. What can help is a discussion with clear instructions while still in the relationship.

  4. The fact that he comes fast is pretty obvious and I’m sure he’s aware of it. So just tell him you’re not interested in seeing someone who doesn’t care about their partner’s pleasure and making sure they have a good time too.

  5. The kindest thing in the long run is to tell him. He won’t figure that shit out on his own. Most guys are not very intuitive. If he wants to get better he will appreciate it. If not, he is an ass and will be lonely. Just do it gently cause his ego will take a hit.

  6. Yeaa if he’s angsty and explosive, I would just avoid the confrontation and trouble. He’s probably gonna say some hurtful things at you that you really don’t need to hear. I know some people are saying to give him a chance to improve, but I don’t think it’s worth the risk.

  7. I suggest just breaking it off and not bothering to tell him why or make up some bs reason. It’s not your job to coach him. It’s another story if you’re really into him then maybe it would be worth it but why bother

  8. tell him that he sucks and you want to end it

    a straight forward rejection is infinitely better than any other alternative such as ghosting, which can possibly trip him up for months or years wondering what went wrong

  9. “It didn’t seem like you were interested in my pleasure and I need that, so I don’t want to continue this.”

    Gives feedback but also there’s not a lot of room for discussion.

  10. Do whatever makes you feel better. If you want to tell him before exiting bc it’s cathartic, do it

  11. If he could take it well and improve for future partners then I’d say tell him. But in this case, just ending it will be enough. It’s not worth you having to put up with any more of that dude getting angry or whiny than necessary.

  12. Why stop just because he came? Whether with this guy or someone else, if the guy comes fast just keep going with him.

    However, the concern about his feelings and him being explosive, that suggests that a relationship with him will always be tricky, unless he changes eventually. I’ve got no suggestion in this regard.

  13. I would just be as honest as you can without being too mean about it. Obviously don’t keep smacking him while he’s down but just flat out say “Sorry I don’t think we’re sexually compatible.” It’ll hurt one at or another but just be done with it.

  14. I’m all for telling them! Most guys are really clueless. All they know is porn.. which focuses on the man’s pleasure.

    Sometimes they are willing to listen and learn. If not, I kick them to the curb!

  15. Maybe give him some guidance.
    If he doesn’t know what you like he’s always going to fail

  16. Women: Please communicate your desires, will you? We can’t read minds. Especially if we lack experience and/or are young it’s not self explanatory. Not everyone is good at picking up cues.
    Also if he just doesn’t give a fuck, ditch him… duh

  17. Just say “it’s not a match for me, good luck out there”. Not your problem. What doesn’t work for you might work for someone else. Idk who, but…

  18. He knows, that is why he an azzhole.
    Just tell him the truth we are not compatible; lose my number

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