If you have did you successfully get a date or something else?

I am curious if this ever does actually work, or are they tired of being asked out so much they default to saying no.

  1. I (F18) have been asked out while working in a supermarket when i was 16 and said yes :D, not at the cashier but i guess it still applies. But i also had enough moments where i had to say no … for me it depends on how the guy says it and what the vibe is

  2. I (F) worked in a bunch of restaurants and most people say no when asked out by customers just cause you can get in trouble for giving out your number to customers or hitting on them or anything like that. But if you look like a supermodel they might break the rules and do it lol. I have seen it before

  3. please don’t. that’s like going after the low hanging fruit. just because I am there (I worked as a waitress and behind the counter in coffee shops), and smile and appear friendly it doesn’t mean that I want everybody who walks through the door of the cafe/bar to hit on me. I just got to the point when I started resenting those people and thinking about them as a nuisance. you know, like flies. believe me, it is stressful enough to work with public/do in person customer service, without having to reject guys who think that because I smile and make friendly small talk (that is part of my job!) it means I am into them.

  4. Successfully? No.

    Unless she’s giving you signals an air traffic controller would not miss, I would say pass. Leave the poor girl/guy alone.

  5. I probably got asked out by over a thousand different guys when I waitressed and I only said yes to one of them. He actually gave me his number and I called him when I got off.

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