So here’s the story. I already know I won’t sound like a good person. Anyway, I (f. 24y/o) been with a guy (27/yo) for about a year now. Our relationship started out really badly since he was still getting out of his past relation.

Over time, we ended up living together. We we’re living with a commun friend of ours. Our roommate(m. 33y/o) and him had a artistic project in which I was very much involved.
I’ve always felt some kind of attraction toward me and my bf’s mutual friend/roommate but obviously never acted on it nor think about it a lot.

Since we’v been living together and being part of the same project we spend more and more time together. Whilst my boyfriend was detaching slowly from our relationship because of routine etc.
Not long ago my roommate/friend confessed me his love for me. And I think I might feel the same way.
I obviously moved out and tried to fix things with my boyfriend even if nothing happened we still had to tell him what me and my roommate said to eachother.

My problem is that now I feel like I love both of them and being with my boyfriend isn’t easy because I still think about the other guy.
I still love my boyfriend but I can seem to make it work in my head.
I feel stuck. Cause when I try to change ma choice in my head and maybe go toward the friend/roommate I can’t either for the same reasons ; I think about my boyfriend.

In both case I feel like I betray one of them. Plus I’m ruining their relationship etc.

Tl;Dr Do I really have a choice to make or should I just move out the picture and forget both of them

  1. Do yourself (and them) a favor and move on from everyone. If you can’t figure out your own feelings, the least you can do is spare the both of them any more pain/confusion and figure out what you want in a relationship.

  2. You’re playing a dangerous game here that will most likely end in disaster for everyone involved be careful on what you do for your own sake and theirs.

  3. If you can’t choose between them and commit wholeheartedly to that choice, and you’re not in a situation where all.three if you are excited to try polyamory, then break it off fully with both of them. You all deserve to be in relationships you’re excited about, committed to, and not halfway out the door from.

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