last time I changed workplaces it took me 4 days to understand vibes were off, but that’s just because I’ve been exploited before and now I can identify much faster if I’m the one tasked with the most menial but hard tasks, if no matter how hard I try I’m never good enough. Furthermore, if people at your workplace are b*tchy and passive aggressive every day, if you come back home and are constantly tired and your joints ache, jump ship.

What about you?

  1. Just a few days. When I look at my ID badge now, 7 years later, I can see in my face that I was like, “What the fuck did I do?”

    I was hat same guy getting the hardest and most boring and onerous jobs, but I was overly praised, so I’d keep doing it. “Ohh, you’re a genius, thank you so much, we’d be lost without you!” We eventually got a new IT director who hired a team of 5 people to replace me and is now allowing me to step into a new and better role. He sent out an office-wide email to all 750 employees letting them know I was no longer their personal technology servant, and I only got about 5 emails congratulating me, which I think shines a light on what everyone actually thought of me.

  2. During the interview. But, it was a fortune 50 company and offered a lot more money and solid benefits. I was stuck at a failing startup that ran its course, and thought going back to the corporate grind was the right move. During the interview the hiring manager kept asking if I was ok with working “some” weekends and how he basically took his family from their country to the US for HIS lucrative career opportunity.

    He constantly bragged about how many miles he flew for business and all I could envision was how miserable his family must be for having their lives uprooted for his job opportunity.

    After all those red flags, I still took the job offer because it offered more money and a prestigious corporate name on my resume. I left after 3 months of working pointless weekends and seeing how sociopathic people in the company were. The other managers even had a pool going on when the hiring manager was going to get divorced.

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