What is the secret of your happiness?

  1. Build up a life and enjoy your own works.

    That’s it. Live according to your values and accomplish things you respect. You’ll find fulfillment as you become the man you wanted to be.


  2. I know that it something that swings by on rare occasions, instead of being a permanent state. That’s why I can appreciate it.

  3. Doing things and working towards things that bring me joy. Don’t engage in toxic people. positive attitude.

  4. Someone already mentioned it; but basically not chasing happiness.

    Happiness comes and goes, but if all we strive for is to be happy then we have nothing to compare it to, and the low spots and rough patches feel even worse then they really are.

    Aiming for a nice, pleasant middle-ground of contentment seems to be doing the trick for me.

    My job is fine; pays well, generally boring, crappy hours. My apartment is nice! Small, but clean and cozy. My weeks are mundane; 12-14h shifts, so I basically sleep and work through the week; that’s my benchmark of contentment. The weekends when I get to spend time with my girlfriend, her kids, my family etc…now that is happy, and the monotony of the week makes the good stuff really stand out for me.

  5. As I get older, the more selfish I get and the more I just do whatever the fuck I want. Note, I’m in my 50s and divorced. I lived the first 50 years of my life pleasing others with an external source of affirmation. Fuck that!

    If it’s things that are going to be offensive to others, or go against social norms, I use discretion, but I still do them.

    I skip parties (work and friend) I don’t want to go to. I’m a little too honest (without being an asshole) with people. I whore monger. I spend money on my dog rather than you. I spend money to travel well. I’m selfish about my things and my time.

    If I’ve given you rides to the airport, I expect you to give me a ride to the airport. If you don’t, then never expect me to do this for you again. And no, I can’t loan you any money. In my 30 years of loaning friends money, only one person has ever paid me back. She can borrow money from me any time she wants. The rest of you can fuck of.

  6. Don’t focus on myself and instead focus on supporting and caring for others and then surround myself with people that support and care for me.

  7. That one secret close bestie of mine who hasn’t failed to message me once everyday since past 753 days

  8. Knowing that I’m not aiming for the next rung on a never-ending ladder of greener pastures. I’ve learned to be happy in the now, and that shit changed my life.

  9. Accepting that life is full of shit and we going to die anyway so might as well live the rest of the days trying to be happy

  10. Always trying to remind myself that happiness is a choice, trying to focus on larger goals than getting frustrated about smaller day to day stuff in life, basically this too shall pass mentality and forcing a smile even in difficult times helps me keep myself happy.

  11. I make my happiness entirely dependent on myself and I never peg it to anyone else.

    Regardless of who is in my life or not in my life I make sure I’m always having a good time and working towards something. I also take responsibility for any problems I am facing in life and just deal with them.

  12. Happiness dosent stay, it comes and goes, the secret is to enjoy it when its here and be patient until it comes back

  13. Make a conscious effort to be sincere but sensitive in everything that you do/say/create/decide. Realise that reality makes no special allowance for human beings. There is no winning scenario, but the gane isn’t rigged against you. It will make “perfect” sense one day, and none at all the next. The only thing that *can* remain semi-consistent is you being honest with yourself about who you are, what you want, and how the world affects you. That’s how I find joy anyway.

    Also, don’t be an asshole. It feels good in the moment, but it’ll catch up to you unless you’re a literal psychopath.

  14. I put far too much of my self worth in my relationship. If im in love im happy, if im single much less so.

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