How do you deal with nerves when starting a new job?

  1. I’ve been wondering what to know before starting my first job too, so I don’t completely freak out

  2. I remind myself that I am new here and am NOT expected to know everything the first day/week/month.

    At my first ‘adult’ job, I was overwhelmed for weeks thinking I needed to learn EVERYTHING immediately; all the in-house acronyms, what everyone’s role is, how I fit in etc.. I was terrified to ask questions because I didn’t want to look ‘stupid’.

    In reality, everyone knows you’re new and no one expects you to know everything and not make mistakes. Also, no one has given a second thought to that thing you *think* you massively fucked up in your last meeting. People make mistakes all the time and that’s okay.

  3. I tend to try and do all of my favorite things that raise my confidence so I’m prepared for whatever may come.

    I’ll get a coffee, do my makeup, get an outfit that I’m comfortable in but also looks good, and then a good breakfast so I’m not thinking about food until lunch lol.

    Otherwise I try to meet others, smile, ask questions, and feel everything out before opening up to people once I’m comfortable.

  4. If you’re feeling insecure, talk yourself up. You are qualified (they wouldn’t have hired you otherwise), and you *will* do well in your new position.

    And treat yourself with patience and kindness as well. Few places will expect you to know *everything* on the first day.

  5. Remind yourself that they hired you because they met you, they looked at your skills, they saw what you could do, and they think you’d be a good fit. You didn’t “trick” them into hiring you, you didn’t sneak in – they want you!

  6. I remind myself of the reasons they recruited me in the first place, and that I am allowed to make mistakes. I make sure to prepare myself as much as possible with research before I start, for a little extra self-confidence. If I need an extra boost, I imagine a conversation between two previous co-workers/employers/teachers, where they’d be talking positively about my work and myself as a person. It might be weird, but it helps me remember that people appreciate me and my work for a reason.

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