In the past year I’ve come out a 6 year relationship and I’m now a single dad with kids. My social life is pretty much non-existent and I feel lost in how to go about dating or meeting someone that is happy to date a single parent.

Hookups aren’t really my thing and I’m at the stage in life now where I just want someone to appreciate me and appreciate the fact that my top priority is my children.

What is the best way to date as a single parent ?

Any help would be much appreciated.

  1. Patience….lots and lots of patience.

    You will have situations where things don’t work out because of scheduling, you’ll also have situations where people won’t date you because you have kids. Regardless of how good of a guy and parent you are, some people just refuse to date others with kids. I’m sure others will give a more detailed answer on their experiences but I can tell you now patience is most definitely a virtue in this situation. If you’re adimit about dating someone don’t get discouraged because it’s not happening as fast as you’d like.

  2. My adoptive father spend his years from 30 to mid 50s raising 3 children of which 2 weren’t even his and he had no way to date or find a new partner without neglecting the responsibility he had for us kids. That’s why he didn’t do it. He chose the children as his first priority and was sticking to it till the end.

    Which is why people should be ***VERY*** mindful who they make/have a baby with and not treat it like some easy shit you can do on the side because you are this and that. No. You can’t. These children will grow up in a mess if you don’t make a sensible decision and no amount of rationalizing will fix that.

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