I’ve always been insanely horny ever since I was super young, I’d masturbate every day. The last 3 years or so, I’d go up to 3 times every day, plus watching porn. i always had to whenever sex was even mentioned. At one point i was so addicted i did it up to 6 times every day to some… weird fetish porn.

However about 2 months ago i just..stopped. I really want to because it helps relieve stress but im not enjoying it or feeling the need to anymore. I don’t like it.

Is it normal? How can I get my strong libido back?

  1. You’re a kid. Just be happy you don’t have to waste so much time to jerk off 6 times a day. Your sex drive will regulate itself when you grow up.

  2. Well personally I say quit porn it sets wrong expectations and as for your sex drive don’t masturbate for a week it will go back up. Also you are really young to worry about your sex drive.

  3. Is 15 a typo?!? Chill out. Go do some other stuff. Your libido will be fine. Sheesh. I def think sex is important but at 15, I think you need to have lots of other things on your mind.

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