Personally, I struggle to kick an energy drink habit because I just feel so much more alert and productive when I drink them.

  1. Thankfully, I’ve got the flexibility at my work to just get up and go for a walk when I need one. It’s a big campus with walking trails, and just getting up and moving for a little bit is usually enough.

  2. I start my day with 7 to 8 hours of sleep behind me and then a good workout and run, followed by breakfast with a cup of coffee. All that, plus some water throughout the day works to keep me energized most of the day. I get a little dip around 3:00 or so and have another cup of coffee which gets me across the finish line at the end of the day

  3. A good nights sleep is better than any coffee or drink. When I started focusing on my sleep, my daytime energy went through the roof.

  4. Coffee. If I’m still feeling sleepy then I just pinch myself.

    Need to sleep more, last time I did pinching it left some pretty obvious bruises….

  5. I try to fast as long as possible into the work day. Gives me laser focus. Problem is when I lift before work I’m starving 2-3 hours after so I eat around 9-10 am.

  6. Is there a reason you should kick an energy drink habit though? It’s an alternative to coffee and some people don’t like the taste of coffee. What’s so bad about energy drinks?

  7. Fist fights ? Indeed, some Street Fighter 2 rounds are a good ways to stay tuned up to not slam your pain in the ass colleague…

  8. Lots of water. Stand up as much as I can. Peppermint tea if I’m *really* tired. But mostly I rely on punk and hardcore at borderline damaging volumes and decent earbuds.

  9. Cocaine!! Murrricccaaaa fuckkk yeahhhh!!! Just kidding, i drink coffee, pre workout…and….cocainnnnne!! 🤘🔥 kidding again ;P

  10. Man I get up like 5 min before I’m supposed to be at work and run out the door with a nas or monster

  11. I take naps. Those naps keep me up longer at night. That makes me more tired the next day. So to fix that, I take a nap.

  12. Caffiene and Nicotine. My heart is probably on the verge of cardiac arrest at every passing moment, but hey it gets the job done without letting my depression sink me into a balled up lethargic shitpile each day.

  13. Panic is for staying awake at night, when I really need to be sleeping.

    During the day, I stand more at work, and I stay active away from work. Movement will keep you alert more than anything else.

  14. Not that “alert” but I kept myself functional and aware by doing power naps (10-15 minute nap). Might not for everyone but it’s effective for me tho. Especially during exams. I passed the licensure examination for teachers doing power naps between sets of questionnaires.

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