My bf (m34) and I have been dating for 5 months. We met 9 months ago and started having sex a couple months before we became official and it’s not incredible but it’s good. He’s a very healthy person so I know this change isn’t because of his body. Before we became official we would take turns initiating but for the past 4 months I have been the one to initiate 100% of the kisses and sex. The last few times we’ve had sex he stops and I ask if he’s cum and he says he’s “not sure” and it makes me think he’s not attracted to me anymore. I haven’t brought it up to him but I can’t force him to want to initiate sex. I only have one theory and it’s that 4 months ago he tried to initiate sex in the middle of a movie, but the movie was super good and I wanted to finish watching it so I rejected his advances BUT I initiated after the movies was over. Seems childish but my only theory is that he fears I’ll reject him again. Any thoughts?

  1. Have you spoken to him about this? Communicate the issue and see what his pov may be. If it’s a compatibility issue that’s a whole other conversation but this is integral to your relationship thriving.

  2. he said that he tries to concentrate on lasting longer and then doesn’t know if he came or not. He used to last like 2 minutes so I see where he’s coming from wanting to last longer.

  3. He might be avoiding sex to avoid the problem of premature ejaculation. He might think that he is not a real man because he can’t pound you for thirty minutes like a porn star on viagra. He could have low testosterone. Psychology problems such as anxiety could also be an issue.

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