Yes reddit. Like the title suggests i too have made a grave mistake (or so I’m told) of falling for my best friend. I (21M) have known my best friend (20F) for over 10 years now. There’s something about her that’s eventually changed the way I look at her. Over the years we’ve become really close and having feelings for her only scares me as it might lead to me losing her.

I don’t know how she feels about me or any of this and I don’t have my hopes up too high. Spoke to a couple friends about this and some are rooting for us whereas the others say this isn’t ever going to work. I’m stuck between all of this and scared to go talk to the girl I love knowing very well that if she feels the same way then this would be it. I know for sure that we’d be perfect for each other and this would be the endgame. But the fear of rejection and the risk of losing her seems like a heavier toll than necessary.

She’s been with other people and I’ve always rooted for her relationships. At the end of the day if she’s happy then that’s all I want even if she’s not with me. But it still hurts and the feeling that she should be with me keeps messing with me.

Maybe I’m overthinking this. But this has been something that’s been stressing me out lately and I thought what better way to get rid of the stress and get some valuable advice other than asking the wise men and women of reddit.

Please help me out people.

1 comment
  1. As someone who just enacted an incredibly anxiety inducing moment, I’d say go for it. At least let her know how you feel. Because if you don’t, that shits gonna brew until either she asks you what’s up or you tell her.
    My situation was with a girl I am friends with. I felt there was something more going on, asked her and come to find out I was correct! But that moment, the moment I had asked if she had feelings for me was TERRIFYING. However sometimes the right thing is the hardest thing. I hope this helps a bit!

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