**TL;DR** Crush told me he’s not ready to get involved with romance due to his break up one month ago after I asked him to a dance. Is this a way of nicely rejecting me or is he genuinely not ready?


I have been crushing on this boy for many months now, and since we’ve been getting to know each other these past few weeks, I decided to ask him to semi as a friend. He saw through that, and told me he was not ready to involve himself in romance as he is still healing after his last relationship which ended about a month ago, but he appreciates the invite. Am I wrong, or is this a nice way of saying “I’m not interested in you?”

  1. 1. friendzone doesn’t exist

    2. it could be either or both. He could simultaneously not want to be with you AND not be ready

  2. He knows you’re interested. He probably is still healing. When he’s back to normal, if he’s interested then he will let you know. He hasn’t given you any reason to hope, so assume he’s not interested. Don’t wait around for a Maybe. Go find a Yes. If Maybe becomes a Yes then he knows where to find you.

  3. No way to know.

    All you know is that he’s not interested in something romantic with you *right now.*

    It’s probably also safe to assume that he’s not over the moon for you right now, as the way most people know that they’re ready is that there’s someone they want to be with.

    That being said: don’t wait on him. If at some point he’s “ready” he may express interest, or you may have reason to think he’s interested for some reason, but the worst thing you can do is to sit and wait hoping he’ll come around. That’s bad for both of you.

  4. There’s zero way for anyone to know that except for him. But it doesn’t matter. What does matter is he isn’t interested in anything romantic with you right now. Respect that and if something changes he will let you know. But don’t stop yourself from pursuing other things on a hope that he will change his mind.

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