They give out such advices that even if THEY were to follow them, their life would turn around in a good way.

But they don’t seem to follow them themselves, why?

  1. Guilty of this myself when it comes to depression, It’s a projection of their own wishes, they want someone else to be happy when they think they can never be, Understand that depression doesn’t just make you feel sad, It’s a void that sucks everything in, every emotion and desire gets devoured by the darkness, like trying to swim away from a waterfall, You feel like no matter how hard or how strong you are, you will inevitably fall over the edge.

    Trying to help others is a way for us to find hope I suppose, To hear someone beating their struggles gives a small glint of light, sometimes that tiny gesture helps motivate yourself to pull yourself out of the worst place, Well it is for me anyway

  2. Some people don’t wanna be saved but still care to save others. To change your own life to the better, self love needs to be present.

  3. Lets say someone has made every stupid mistake someone could make. I think they would have a great perspective on how to not fuck up.

  4. Ultimately advice is a compass to point you in the right direction, it doesn’t account for all the obstacles and the complications that make finding your way out feel impossible. People who are living it often know which way to go, or at least what ways *not* to go, but there’s often a lot of walls and thorns to climb through and it’s easier to set someone else on a better path than to make it all the way out on yours.

    Or, put another way, just being able to sum up the rational parts of a struggle and speak about the practical issues doesn’t account for the irrational parts that can drag you down or the life issues that make simple sounding principles far, far harder to achieve.

  5. If you get advice from successful people and it doesn’t work for you is it bad advice? No. Pass it forward.

  6. I fell onto a pile of sticks in a creek before.

    I had gotten too close to the edge and ended up on my back with nothing to grab for leverage. It took me about 5 minutes to get up without rolling into the thick mud.

    If anybody had asked, I would have told them not to fall in the creek.

  7. > if THEY were to follow them, their life would turn around in a good way

    Sure about that? Are you new to Reddit? Here its mostly crab-bucket pull them back down.

    May want to think that one thru a little harder.

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