When was the last time you did something that made you happy? What did you do?

  1. Today!

    1) I went running.

    2) I received a sweet text from my boyfriend and read it several times. And then several times more. ❤❤❤

    3) I went to class. I like going to my classes.

    4) I did the daily Sudoku challenge.

  2. Today! Enjoying the last warm days of the year in my city before it starts raining:/ walking around my fav neighbourhoods, grabbing coffee and reading a book on any random bench that’s welcoming:D

  3. I just dance hopped as if am in a barbie movie back from office. I have the Friday off so it’s a 3 day weekend.

  4. Cuddling with my “bf” was nice,I felt light and warm as close as happy though not exactly because i didn’t feel 100% safe.Actually the first time I was consciously happy was years ago,during a trip to India,strolling through a market:the colors of the spices,all those scents (the food,the people,the city),the voices,it felt right for some reason.I remember thinking to myself “wow,that’s what happy feels like”.A memory i cherished all these years.

  5. I went on a one-day trip to see one of my favourite bands two weeks ago. They spat fake blood on me, ruined my $500 T-shirt and people stared at me on the entire way home. It was fucking amazing. 10/10 would see them again.

  6. Today!

    Wore my cute HalloQueen lounge pants.

    Played Halo PvP whilst jammin out to music.

    Made myself some some steel cut oats w cream and maple syrup. Nom nom David!

  7. Yesterday. I made plans with my adult son to meet up at a pinball arcade and brought his grandparents whom he hasn’t seen in 3 years. We had a blast laughing, trash talking, competing and just having fun.

  8. Today. I had the day off and it was pouring outside all day. So I decided to allow myself to have a “pyjama day”. I stayed in my comfy clothes all day while bingewatching New Amsterdam and playing video games. I also smoked a joint and ordered Domino’s pizza. It was a good day.

  9. Today. Took the day off because I wanted to. I’ve got a handful of “use it or lose it” sick days to use up before the end of the year, so I decided I needed a mental health day today. So far I’ve gone to the grocery store, did some laundry, and sat on the couch reading for about 5 hours.

  10. Last week, had a really good driving lesson and did nothing wrong. Ruined it this week by messing up a roundabout, but that one went okay haha

  11. Last night. I bought myself fairy lights with stars and crescents hanging from them, and hung them up in my living room. I have zero lamps and ceiling lights, only fairy lights here. I love the cozy and whimsical look 😊

  12. It’s so so small, but I recently bought my dream car. So, every morning before work is something that makes me happy because I get to drive it to work every day. I look forward to getting up so I can drive the car. It’s a small thing, really. But it means so much to me.

  13. As far as something just for me,

    I went to an event at the local zoo by myself. There were drink tastings and zookeeper talks and ask of the animals were very active. Was a blast and can’t wait to go again

  14. A few hours ago. I took my cheeky puppy and two youngest children for a beach walk. It was cold, windy, my son got several soakings from the waves and then the rain started- we had a great time lol.

  15. Today 🙂

    I took my puppy out on a walk and met a nice elderly couple who loved my dog’s name. She told me how she went to an Elton John concert as a teen and loved the show. Her joy brought me joy 🙂

    I also saw a dad and his 4 year old daughter who was just the cutest (made my heart melt) and she really loved my puppy so I let them run around in the grass for awhile and play.

  16. I got paid today so I paid off a loan to my bf. And did most of my Christmas shopping. Im glad it’s over 🤣 now I just need to go pick stuff up from the post office and wrap it then im done.

  17. Yesterday only, went for a drive to my favourite coffee house, it’s getting chilly in my city so it’s always a perfect plan.

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