What are some of the most wholesome moments in your life?

  1. 1. My school teacher that actually became an inspiration and a role mode for me in many senses, that I respect and have a lot of affection for told me when I came to visit couple of years after my graduation that I was her best student and she thought the whole career of hers was worth it because she got to teach me
    2. Going on a student exchange program to another country and after 3 months suddenly, in one moment, realising I am in love with this place and wanna live here
    3. Actually returning to this place after two years of hard hard hard work- oh when the plane landed and I understood it was for real🥺
    4. The person I love telling me he loves me (the first time someone told me that too)

  2. My daughter being born, my wedding day, my dad phoning me every morning so I have company on my walk to work

  3. The first time my boyfriend told me that he loves me. I feel happy and warm just thinking about it.🥰

  4. A guy came up to me in a grocery store to ask where I got my coat because his girlfriend had mentioned wanting one like it and he wanted to surprise her with one. It was so charming.

  5. I arranged a surprise holiday for my ex for his 30th. I had arranged the time off with his boss secretly, and booked him a half day on the day we were due to fly.
    The single greatest moment of my life was surprising him at work and telling him to pack his shit because we were going on holiday. The genuine joy and surprise on his face was the best thing I’ve ever seen.

  6. Bf and I were wrestling on the carpet in his apartment, I was losing (as always) and he had me pinned down when I looked up at him and we stared at each other, all out of breath and smiling; his face was lit so softly, his eyes looked so enamored, and I felt so seen, it’s really a sight I won’t forget for a long time. This was a few weeks back, and it was super brief, but I still think about it all the time and feel so giddy.

    We’ve been dating for a few years now but it’s only been a few months since he’s moved and bought an apartment of his own, and prior to that we never really had a closed, private space to share. It’s just so crazy to think that there’s moments we’ve had that no one else will know about, and I’m so grateful for that. 🙂

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