2 years ago a girl(F14) joined my class. She told everyone that she is lesbian. I have a crush on her. But now 3 days ago she started giving off signs that she likes me. She started looking at me when she thinks I dont know. She stopped holding eye contact with me like she started getting nervous. She started getting into my personal space, she always stands next to me in group. Like she touches her shoulder with mine when she stands near me. Also she talks much less to me now(we are friends) like she started getting nervous I think? So what should I do? Did she lied about being lesbian? Or she changed that?

  1. At your ages? It’s hard to tell. She probably thought she was one thing and might be learning she’s more than that as time goes and she becomes more interested in people. Like you.

    What should you do? Express your interest? Maybe ask her if she’d like to go on a date. “I know you said you was into girls but I like you and if you’ve changed your mind or expanded your interests, I’d love to get a burger with you after school”.

    I wouldn’t accuse her of lying or judge her… just be honest, compliment her cloths and the way she’s wearing her hair and let her know you’re interested. That leaves any response up to her and hopefully in a way that’s not pushy or judgmental.

  2. No reason to think she’s lying. You are very young, better think about friendships than dating.

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