Me and my girlfriend we are both 16 have been together about 3 months and i love her she loves me we have a healthy relationship and we have good communication

But the thing is she has a bunch of guy friends like more than girls and talks to them everyday and i know shed never hurt me cheat on me but i just wanted to know is it ok that i get jealous over her talking to a bunch of guys i get jealous everyday over it

  1. You probably won’t like this advice but this is the truth

    You either are going to have to deal with it or break up with her, and if it bothers you you should just move on

    Me personally I won’t put up with this childish shit, it’s not even a discussion anymore at 31 I just won’t date her at all

  2. First of all it is ok for you to not be comfortable with the situation, but its up to you to decide how big of an issue it is for you.
    I think its ok to have friends of the opposite sex, but it always depends on the situation.

    Does she have guy friends because she likes the attention, are they all flirting with her, is there a romantic history with any of them, does she act differently around them as with other friends, does she spend nights often, how does she talk about them v other friends?
    Those some the questions you can think about to see what kind of relationship she has with these guys and how that changes things for your relationship.

    Good luck and I hope things work out for you.

  3. its a sticky situation and a very common topic here. those guys likely are interested in her sexually and give her easy attention because of it. she should be generally aware of that by 16. if she isnt keeping them at “arms length”, which it sounds like she isnt, then advice is to withdraw from her until she properly learns how to be in a relationship and deal with “guy friends”.

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