How do you deal with disrespectful inlaws?

  1. Not at all. Let your SO deal with their own family. You sit back, eat popcorn 🍿 while they all throw darts and such at each other.

  2. inform your partner and how it makes you feel… hopefully they address it for you… if there is a toxic situation with them then its okay to cut family out your life

  3. I had issues with my MIL several years ago, and I had my husband (attempt) to deal with it. He is a poor communicator when it comes to confrontational stuff, so I eventually took the reigns and dealt with it head on. I informed her of our boundaries, that she needs to respect them, and if she doesn’t then her relationship with her grandkids would be limited.

    My MIL and I are now super close and have better communication than ever!

  4. It’s important do know your boundaries and set them firmly in place, if their feelings are hurt, they’ll get over it. Speaking it in love but firmness will help the relationship much more in the end, if they are reasonable people, if they aren’t, all the more reason to put firm boundaries out there. There’s a very good book on boundaries called Boundaries. You can buy it used, it’s been out a couple of years and is very good.

  5. Just because you’re married to their child doesn’t mean you have to put up with disrespect from them. Have your spouse handle it.

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