As per title.

  1. Have a stable life, you don’t need to be rich. Just have your shit together, look after yourself physically and mentally. Be yourself, be honest about who you are and what you like. Don’t change for a women, they want to see the real you. They will love that.

  2. It depends on the woman you want.

    If you want a truly good woman who loves you for who you are, then just be yourself and wait to find her. But be aware this could take many years and might not even ever happen.

    If you just want to have sex with hot women, get money.

  3. 1. Make yourself more attractive to yourself.

    Work on becoming the best version of yourself, academically, professionally and also ethically. Doesn’t mean you have to be a roaring success, just that you are doing something good with your time.

    2. Take care of your hygiene and physical health.
    Regular showers, clean teeth, fresh clothes.

    Contrary to the advice on reddit, neither I nor most women i know care whether a guy is a gym bug. But we certainly care if they’re utterly lazy or unclean.

    3. Take care of your mental health.

    There’s nothing more attractive to me than a calm, secure and happy man.

  4. Watch hamza on YouTube, don’t join his cult or anything but he gives pretty solid advice on self improvement, just take it as is, make yourself better, and when you like the way you are, finds someone who relates with that.

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