I have autism, it affects me badly, and 2 years ago they put me on a strong anti psychotic (largely, I suspect, to “shut me up”). It’s wreaked havoc on my body and I am suffering with physical side effects. They want me to go onto a different anti psychotic, but from what I’ve read the side affects are just as bad, so I’ve decided to come off them and try life without the meds.

I claim ESA and PIP. I cannot work because of my condition. However I am worrying that coming off my meds will signify to the DWP that I am no longer “as ill”, if you get my point. Nothing about my autism has changed, nor will it ever change, but I am worried the DWP will think I’m “better” and cut off my benefits.

I still take an anti depressant and anti anxiety medicine.

Any advice?

  1. i’m on PIP for BPD. i don’t even have an official NHS diagnosis. just a private one. i refuse medication because i’m terrified of it. i tell them medication makes me fearful of permanent injury due to side effects. it’s no lie. it hasn’t affected how seriously they take my illness.

  2. I can’t answer your question at all, but if you discovered coming off meds WOULD affects your benefit, could just take the meds home each month and flush them down the bog?

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