I’ve been trying to leverage as many resources for advice as I could, but didn’t consider Reddit. Okay story time, graduated HS 2020, two friend groups full of great people vanished bc everyone moved away, leaving me with my GF (who’s got the same problems with no friends as me).
‘Attended’ state university for mech engineering for two semesters, but it was all online and I was paying for gyms and things that weren’t open, and social opportunities nonexistent. Decided to go to community college, been there since. Love one of the professors and don’t want to leave this college. Made zero friends despite trying, clubs beyond a few sports ones (not an option due to disability) are nonexistent now. Few clubs that had people have vanished, and starting new ones isn’t possible without a certain amount of people. People arrive right before class, leave immediately.

There are a few people I’ve got good relationships with and would love to be friends with… but there at wildly different places in life, many years older (youngest being 7 years older, oldest being 13 years older) with their own lives, so being close friends with them just isn’t an option either. Social groups for my age group just don’t exist despite me being in a very populated area. Don’t like bars so not an option either.

Any advice? Every article I’ve seen assumes things that aren’t true for me or were written pre-COVID.

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