Why do we hate society more than before?

  1. Polarization is worse right now then I’ve ever seen it and just continues to get worse. Society has always had a left/right divide but there was always room for compromise with a live and let live mentality before.

    There are probably a lot of factors but I suspect social media giving a public platform for what were previously fringe groups on both sides. Now everyone has to feel they are right and try and force and control everyone else and their behavior to conform with their own personal views. Its basically a social war that has no end and never will unless society entirely fractures into two groups that go their separate ways or something (which depending how bad things get might not be a bad thing in the end).

  2. The so called western democracies have devolved into Managerial State dictatorships and maintain power by using hyperbolic propaganda to keep the populace hopelessly divided.

    You can do whatever you want when the little people are fighting about gender and race problems you made up instead of auditing your work.

  3. There are millions more people now, and everyone is louder and more in your face because of social media, and uncivilized behavior is rewarded as standing up for yourself. This makes most people take sides in a polarized way and wage war against others.

    There used to be sayings like “the masses are asses” and “religion is the opiate of the masses”. People have always been rude and bad, but it’s amplified now because of the sheer number of people and the ease of hearing what they have to say.

  4. Covid and the lockdowns pretty much ruined what little faith i had left in society and people around me. One family sat in their window and wrote down the time and date people left their homes and tried to shame them publicly on Facebook for things like going to work or going outside more than once.

  5. It’s profitable for the media to pit people against each other and social media amplifies the voices of the extremes. I’d say the far right exists largely in reaction to the far left (and conservative politicians have capitalized on it). The far left (progressives) must teach (indoctrinate) people to hate their Country, to view themselves through a lens of victimhood. It’s a means to push change that would otherwise be far slower (and healthier).

  6. 24/7 news cycle was bad before the internet but now everyone a so called expert and wants to share their correct opinion.

  7. Because we actuality see and hear more of it thanks to the internet and near instantaneous worldwide communication.

  8. From my perspective I see a lot less young people dating.

    Many young women have been given the idea that men are pretty dangerous, and it is important to establish boundaries, etc. Which is not a bad thing, but it requires young men to have a higher level of social skills if they are going to know how to make them feel comfortable.

    Unfortunately this era in time where young men are expected to have higher than average social skills is the same era of video games, social media, pornography, and Covid. All of which has stunted their face to face “IRL” social skills.

    No real friends, no real romantic partners, but tons of outlets to let that frustration out online.

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